单选题The underlined word “Pavilion.” means _____ in Chinese.A场馆B水族馆C溜冰场D台球馆

The underlined word “Pavilion.” means _____ in Chinese.









根据“The first must-see on my list is the Liaoning Pavilion, our home pavilion”可知,作者要去世博会参观。pavilion(公园中的)亭,阁楼;(公共活动或展览用的)临时建筑物;大型文体馆;大帐篷。


The underlined word "deter" in Paragraph 3 most probably means .A. discourage B. remove C. benefit D. free

The underlined word “deny” in the passage means “__________”.A. 误解 B. 否认 C. 疏远 D. 减轻

28. The underlined word "shortage" in the second paragraph means "_____ in Chinese.A.问题B.短处C.缺乏D.资源

The underlined word \\\thwart\\\ (Para. 1) most probably means \\\thwart\\\ (Para. 1) most probably means \\\________\\\.[A] destroy[B] forbid[C] cure[D] prevent

28. The underlined word "relatives" means "_______ " in Chinese.A . 律师B.亲属C.裁判D.经理

The underlined word “buy” in the third paragraph means 。A. mind B. admitC. believe D. expect

The underlined word“inform”in Paragraph 2 probably means“ ”.A.affectB.changeC.disturbD.reject

23. The underlined word "gorgeous" means " _______ '.A. beautifulB. differentC. importantD. necessary

单选题The word “contain” underlined in Paragraph 3 means ______.ArestrainBincludeChave capacity forDbe equal to

单选题According to Helen, the word “passivity” underlined in Paragraph 3 means ______.Apassive to workmatesBpassive to loversCselfness and indifferenceDdullness and keeping to oneself

单选题The word “it” underlined in Paragraph 3 most probably means.AMozart’s correspondenceBthe collection of Mozart’s musicCthe power that drove MozartDMozart’s life and death

单选题The underlined word reduce probably means ______.Ato make something lessBto make something betterCto make something moreDto make something cleaner

单选题The word “particulars” underlined in Paragraph 1 means ______.Aminor errorsBspecific factsCsmall distinctionsDindividual people

单选题The underlined word “pet” should be ______in Chinese.A宠物B喜欢C敲打D抚摸

单选题The underlined word “sponsors” means “ _____”.A领导B发起者C亲戚D资助者

单选题The underlined word “bees” in the passage means _____.AflyBcompetitionCguessDresearch

单选题The word “obesity” in the second paragraph means ______ in Chinese.A厌食症B抑郁症C肥胖症D强迫症

单选题The word “edge” underlined in Paragraph 5 means __________.Asomething very sharpBthe outside limit or boundaryCthe degree of anger, nervousness or annoyanceDa slight advantage over somebody

单选题The underlined word “fumble” in the first sentence probably means _____.AexamineBtake outClookDfeel

单选题The underlined word bend probably means ______ here.AtrafficBsubwayCturningDDanger

单选题The underlined word “assumes” here probably means ______.AthinksBremembersCdisagreesDfollows

单选题The word “agoraphobia” underlined in the last paragraph means phobia for.AeverythingBnew placesCsocial activityDnew people

单选题The underlined word “construction” means _____ in Chinese.A创立B设计C施工D竣工

单选题The word “couriers” underlined in Paragraph 1 means.Ageneral mail serviceBpersons sending mailsCemergency mail serviceDinternational mail service

单选题The underlined word “delighted” means _____.AsureBsorryCsurprisedDpleased

单选题The underlined word “poignant” in the passage means “ _____.”.A平淡的B明显的C深刻的D艰苦的

单选题In Paragraph 3, the underlined word “athletes” means _____.Apeople who support the gamesBpeople who watch the gamesCpeople who organize the gamesDpeople who compete in the games