


这里需要的宾语和主语they都是指代上文的young animals,故要用反身代词。


单选题Which of the following is CORRECT about employment this year?A3/4 percent American workers are potential applicants.B1.3 million jobs were created last year.C40 percent of companies will take on part-time staff.DThe service sector does not contribute to job creation.


单选题Dr. Bruce Charlton would probably prefer to see a more formal relationship______.Aamong doctors.Bamong managers.Cbetween doctors and managers.Dbetween doctors and patients.

问答题The overuse of modern technologies in recreational activities makes human beings less creative. Do you agree or disagree? Write a composition of about 400 words on this topic.


问答题Most people would describe water like a colorless liquid. They         (1) _______would know that in very cold conditions it becomes a solid calledice and that when heating on a fire it becomes a vapor called steam.       (2) _______However, water, they would say, is a liquid. We have learned thatwater consists of molecules composed with two atoms of hydrogen          (3) _______and one atom of oxygen, which we describe by the formula H2O.This is equally true of the solid called ice and the gas called steam.Chemically there is no difference between the gas, the liquid, andthe solid, all of which is made up of molecules with the formula H2O.       (4) _______This is true of other chemical substances; most of them can exist asgases or as liquids or as solids. We may normally think of iron as asolid, but if we will heat it in a furnace, it will melt and become a       (5) _______liquid, and at very high temperatures it will become a gas. Nothingvery permanent occurs when a gas changes into a liquid or a solid.Everyone knows that ice, which has been made by freezing water,can be melted again by warmed and that steam can be condensed           (6) _______on a cold surface to become liquid water. In fact, it is only becausewater is so a familiar substance that different names are used for        (7) _______the solid, liquid and gas. Most substances are only familiar with         (8) _______us in one state, because the temperatures requiring to turn them         (9) _______into gases are very high, or the temperatures necessary to turn theminto solids are so low. Water is an exception in this respect, whichis another reason why its three states have given three different        (10) _______names.

单选题As for Wal-Mart itself, it can be inferred that______.Athere are 5,200 stores all over the world.BWal-Mart has more than 7,000 trucks over the world.CWal-Mart has great influence on world market.DLee Scott is Wal-Mart’s CEO and decision-maker.

问答题Chemistry is the study of the behavior and composition of matter. All foodsare made up of chemical substance which undergoes chemical changes when cooking   1._______in an oven or digested within the body. The cooking of meat and vegetables induce 2._______chemical changes, making it more delicious; similarly the leavening action of   3._______baking powder is a straightforward chemical change, as is the conversion ofstarch into sweet sugars by digestion.  Cookery is a science requiring for a knowledge of chemistry.          4._______This is evident from the variety of cooking products and food additives availableas cooking oils, fats, colorings, sweeteners, tenderizers, flavorings, scream-ing agents, preservatives, etc. Each is carefully prepared before painstaking   5._______research.  It is therefore essential for trained cookers to understand          6._______chemical science in order to appreciate the chemistry nature of foods        7._______and the changes achieving on cooking. Homeworkers should also            8._______know cleansing agents and textiles used in the home and how the latter       9._______responds to the effects of heat, light, water, and chemical cleansing agents.   10._______

问答题Some people say that the best preparation for life is learning to be cooperative. Others take the opposite view and say that learning to be competitive is the best preparation. Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic,expressing your views on cooperation and competition. COOPERATION OR COMPETITION  In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.  Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

问答题Why is the decline of good manners more worrying according to the passage?


问答题Inheritance tax is a tax which many countries levy on the total taxable value of the estate of a deceased person. Inheritance tax is paid by the inheritor of the estate or by the person in charge of its assets. In most cases, if the estate is left to a charitable organization or a surviving spouse, no inheritance tax is due. In China, inheritance tax does not exist. Should inheritance tax be introduced to China? The controversy that has raged over levying inheritance tax in China currently shows little sign of abating.  The following are opinions from both sides. Read the excerpt carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should:  1. summarize briefly the opinions from both sides, and then  2. give your comment.  Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.  Opponents of inheritance tax typically refer to it as “death tax.” They argue first that concern over burdening their children with this tax may lead elderly to make unwise investment decisions late in life, and that it may also discourage entrepreneurship earlier in life. Opponents also claim that morally it should be only the choice of the person who earned the money what should be done with it, not the government. They see taxing wealth at death as a kind of forced income redistribution that goes against the market economy.  Proponents of inheritance tax say that it helps prevent consolidation of wealth in the hands of a few powerful families and is a basic building block of the nation’s system of taxation. They also feel that inheriting large sums without tax undermines people’s motives to work hard in the future and, thus, undercuts the principles of the market economy, encouraging people to become idle and unproductive, which hurts the country overall.

单选题“In rude health” in the first sentence of paragraph 3 probably means______.Ain bad health.Bstrong and healthy.Cprofit-making.Dloss-making.

单选题NEWS BROADCAST 1  Questions 6 and 7 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.   Now listen to the news. Greek bonds is downgraded as junk status becauseAshare prices in New York and London fell by over 2%.Bthe Greek debt crisis could spread to other countries.Cthe bond holders may not be repaid in full.DGreek bonds could trigger a financial crisis.


单选题In first two paragraphs, the author implies that______.Aa scientist may be confused what science means.Byoung people have not done much work in laboratory.Cpeople who said young people should be scientifically educated have the tight idea on science.Da philosopher is also a scientist.

单选题ATo do something worthwhile and rewarding.BTo scare the people walking in the street.CTo attract people’s attention.DTo criticize the authorities.

单选题AThe jobs are around the country.BThe jobs are overseas.CThe jobs are on the other side of the state.DThey are local jobs.


单选题The users did all of the following funny things EXCEPT______.Afailing to switch on the computer.Bregarding the keyboard as a remote control.Cspending much time looking for a key.Dwashing the keys individually with soap.

单选题Some people may disagree with the author on his method because they think______.Ait is not practical for adults.Bit is already out of date.Cit isn’t a primary method.Dit fails to cultivate creativity.

问答题Some people think that parents should plan their children's leisure time carefully. Others believe that children should decide for themselves how to spend their free time. Which opinion do you agree? Write a composition of about 400 words to state your view.

单选题Dr. Bruce Charlton would probably prefer to see a more formal relationship _____.Aamong doctorsBamong managersCbetween doctors and managersDbetween doctors and patients

问答题More and more students are renting flats to live away from campus, and some of them are student lovers. Some students think this is unacceptable, but others find it attractive. What is your opinion on student lovers living together? Write an article of about 400 words to express your opinion. You should supply a title for your article.  In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.  Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.



