单选题For diesel engine piston cooling, lubricating oil can be supplied to the pistons by a/an ().Aoil sprayBoil bathCoil control ringsDdrilled passage through the camshaft

For diesel engine piston cooling, lubricating oil can be supplied to the pistons by a/an ().

oil spray


oil bath


oil control rings


drilled passage through the camshaft


解析: 暂无解析


In an auxiliary diesel engine bypass type lubricating oil system, the main lube oil pump forces_______ .A.all of the oil used by the engine through a filterB.some of the oil used by the engine through a filterC.some of the oil used by the engine through a centrifugeD.all of the oil used by the engine through a centrifuge

单选题Dirt in a fuel oil system of a diesel engine can cause ()Adamage to strainersBover-speeding of the engineCexcessive cooling of the engineDinjector damage

单选题Worn main bearings in a diesel engine can result in ()Adecreased compression pressureBincreased lube oil pressureClower lube oil temperatureDexcessive leakage past the piston rings

单选题The primary purpose of oil control rings on a diesel piston is to()Aprovide a reservoir for cylinder lubricationBpump oil into the combustion space for cylinder coolingCprevent excessive lubricating oil consumptionDallow hydraulic oil film formation on the cylinder

单选题Telescopic pipes to the piston of a large slow-speed main propulsion diesel engine are designed to prevent ().Aexcessive crankcase pressureBexcessive lube oil temperatureCcontamination of the lube oil by waterDcontamination of the cooling water by lube oil

单选题An over-speed trip stops a diesel engine when the engine ()Aruns out of fuelBhas low lubricating oil pressureCexceeds a set maximum speedDhas high cooling water temperature

单选题The operating diesel generators will have their exhaust temperatures, cooling water and lubricating oil temperatures and pressures () in much the same way as for the main engine.Ato be keptBloggedCchangedDhas remained

单选题If the cooling water temperature and the lube oil temperature in a diesel engine are too high, the cause can be ()Aa dirty lube oil strainerBinternal water leaksCan oil suction line restrictionDexcessive wears of the cooling water pump

单选题Which of the listed conditions can cause a diesel engine to use too much lube oil?()ADirty lube oil filterBToo much piston ring wearCHigh lube oil viscosityDLow lube oil temperature

单选题For diesel engine piston cooling, lubricating oil can be supplied to the pistons by a/an ().Aoil sprayBoil bathCoil control ringsDdrilled passage through the camshaft

单选题Excessive lubricating oil consumption in a running diesel engine can be caused by ()Aclogged lube oil pipingBexcessive valve-guide clearanceChigh lube oil viscosityDlow lube oil temperature

单选题White smoke exhausting from a diesel engine can result from ()Ahigh exhaust temperatureBhigh lube oil temperatureClow turbo-charger speedDlow cooling water temperature

单选题Improper cooling of a diesel engine cylinder liner due to the accumulation of scale deposits may cause ().Alow compression pressureBincreased piston wearCincreased cylinder lube oil consumptionDpoor contact between compression rings and liner

单选题Improperly fitted piston rings in a diesel engine can cause()Aexcessive lube oil consumptionBlower than normal lube oil temperatureChigher than normal exhaust back pressureDexcessive crankshaft end play

单选题Incomplete combustion in a running diesel engine can cause piston rings to become stuck as a result of ()Aresidual carbon depositsBlube oil viscosity breakdownCuneven heat expansion of the ringsDuneven heat expansion of the piston

单选题Low compression in a diesel engine could be caused by()Aworn or broken cylinder liner sealing ringsBhigh cooling water temperatureCworn or broken piston ringsDlow fuel oil pressure

单选题As to the piston cooling, of the following, which statement is not true?()ABecause the piston is exposed to very high temperature, it must be cooledBThe lower the piston cooling temperature is, the better it isCBoth water and lube oil can be used as coolantDOne of the piston cooling methods is vibration cooling, with better effect

单选题Which of the following conditions can cause below normal air pressure in the intake manifold of a turbocharged diesel engine?()AExcessive piston blow-by to the manifoldBInsufficient cooling water flowCAccumulated water in the air boxesDClogged air intake filters

单选题Engine coolant accumulating in the diesel engine lubricating oil can result from a ()Alow oil pressureBhigh coolant pressureCleaking fuel injectorDcracked cylinder head or liner

单选题In a normally operating diesel engine, the main cause of lubricating oil contamination in the crankcase is a result of the ().Ametal particles loosened by wearBair when no air cleaners are usedCcondensation of water vaporsDbreakdown of the lubricating oil by dilution

单选题() providing lubricating films, oil used in marine diesel engines have to remove heat from oil cooled piston.AExcept forBBesideCExceptDIn addition to

单选题Lubricating oil viscosity in an operating diesel engine can be reduced by()Aincreasing cooling water flowBincreasing lube oil flowCdilution by fuel oilDadding SAE 70 oil

单选题The function of diesel engine piston compression rings is to ().Aprevent piston side thrustBprevent engine friction lossesCtransmit heat from the piston to the cylinder linerDremove oil from the cylinder combustion space

单选题Operating a diesel engine for prolonged periods, with a closed freshwater cooling system, at temperatures lower than the normal design temperature can cause ().Athe formation of sulfuric acidBa decrease in lube oil viscosityCa decrease in cooling water pHDa thermostat failure

单选题Diesel engine piston seizure can be caused by ()Apoor cooling of cylinder wallsBimproper cooling of the pistonCinsufficient piston lubricationDall of the above

单选题Excessive piston ring wear in a diesel engine will cause()Ahigh lube oil viscosityBincreased lube oil consumptionClow lube oil temperaturesDhigh firing pressures

单选题Lubricating oil systems for diesel engine journal bearings are usually lubricated by which of the following types of lubricating oil systems?()ASplashBGravityCPressureDBypass

单选题If sludge accumulates on the underside of a diesel engine piston, it will()Acause blow-byBchemically attack the piston skirtCform an emulsion of lube oil and waterDraise the piston temperature