单选题Spiritual Bond Besides, do not forget to appreciate the ''spiritual bond'' between people. I've met numerous people in Japan, the US, and Australia. In the beginning, I was __1__ by the differences in the views and cultures. After studying in the US, I got __2__ to the American way of thinking. So when I first moved to Australia, I had __3__ thoughts about Australians, I thought they were quiet and passive. I felt that I couldn't understand them and that I didn't __4__ in. That is when I met the Happy Science teachings. I learned about how people go through reincarnation (转世) and are born again and again in different races and in different countries. Therefore, I realized that the people I meet in this lifetime are __5__ connected to me from my past. We have known each other before. When I __6__ this spiritual perspective, I reflected on my narrow-Mindedness. When I found out that people who I thought I couldn't understand could be spiritually connected to me, I felt __7__ even for people I used to __8__ .I felt a feeling of oneness and I was able to make many friends creating bonds of understanding and respect. Value and __9__ every spiritual bond between you and the people you meet and continue to work hard to develop yourself in order to __10__ others and be a good influence.__1__内应填()AnegativeBcriticizeCspirituallyDshamefulEaffectionFdiscoveredGappreciateHconfusedIfitJadmitKusedLhelp

Spiritual Bond Besides, do not forget to appreciate the ''spiritual bond'' between people. I've met numerous people in Japan, the US, and Australia. In the beginning, I was __1__ by the differences in the views and cultures. After studying in the US, I got __2__ to the American way of thinking. So when I first moved to Australia, I had __3__ thoughts about Australians, I thought they were quiet and passive. I felt that I couldn't understand them and that I didn't __4__ in. That is when I met the Happy Science teachings. I learned about how people go through reincarnation (转世) and are born again and again in different races and in different countries. Therefore, I realized that the people I meet in this lifetime are __5__ connected to me from my past. We have known each other before. When I __6__ this spiritual perspective, I reflected on my narrow-Mindedness. When I found out that people who I thought I couldn't understand could be spiritually connected to me, I felt __7__ even for people I used to __8__ .I felt a feeling of oneness and I was able to make many friends creating bonds of understanding and respect. Value and __9__ every spiritual bond between you and the people you meet and continue to work hard to develop yourself in order to __10__ others and be a good influence. __1__内应填()

























解析: 本题考查被动语态。译文:开始的时候,思想和文化上的不同常常使我困惑。be confused by被……困惑。答案为H。


–Should I book a table in advance?–() A、That’s a good idea.B、You are so cautious.C、Why do you always want to do such thing?D、Oh, forget it.

Don’t forget to feed the birds for me while I am away, ____________? (A) can you(B) do you(C) shall you(D) will you

(c) Issue of bondThe club proposes to issue a 7% bond with a face value of $50 million on 1 January 2007 at a discount of 5%that will be secured on income from future ticket sales and corporate hospitality receipts, which are approximately$20 million per annum. Under the agreement the club cannot use the first $6 million received from corporatehospitality sales and reserved tickets (season tickets) as this will be used to repay the bond. The money from thebond will be used to pay for ground improvements and to pay the wages of players.The bond will be repayable, both capital and interest, over 15 years with the first payment of $6 million due on31 December 2007. It has an effective interest rate of 7·7%. There will be no active market for the bond andthe company does not wish to use valuation models to value the bond. (6 marks)Required:Discuss how the above proposals would be dealt with in the financial statements of Seejoy for the year ending31 December 2007, setting out their accounting treatment and appropriateness in helping the football club’scash flow problems.(Candidates do not need knowledge of the football finance sector to answer this question.)

债券收益(Bond yield)

听力原文:A bank or insurance company issues a document to guarantee that exporter will supply the goods or services as the required standard.(4)A.A bank or insurance company issues an advance payment bond.B.A bank or insurance company issues a tender bond.C.A bank or insurance company issues a maintenance bond.D.A bank or insurance company issues a performance bond.

What are large banks in large cities engaged in besides supplying bank deposit services?A.They are engaged in international trade.B.They do some particular business with foreigners.C.They provide some specific ancillary services.D.They establish correspondent banks in small cities.

In a sense, a hotel sells to its guests tangible products instead of spiritual products.()

We do appreciate ____________ during the coming holidays. A.you visitB.your visitingC.you to visitD.your visit us

Amortization is the allocation process of writing off bond premiums and discounts to interest expense over the life of the bond issue.()

[A] intellectual[B] sensual[C] spiritual[D] mental

Don't forget to post the letter for me,______?A. do youB. will youC. are youD. can you

I don't mind picking up your things from the store. __________, the walk will do me good.A.EntirelyB.StillC.OtherwiseD.Besides

--I've got something weighing on my mind. Could you give me some advice?-- __________ . Tell me all about it and I 'll do what I can.A.Don't mention itB.No wayC.No problemD.Forget it

We appreciate your patience and hope to serve you in a timelier manner in the future. ____ , please contact our order department at 716-555-0160 with any questions .A.insteadB.meanwhileC.in contrastD.besides

Spiritual Bond Besides, do not forget to appreciate the ''spiritual bond'' between people. I've met numerous people in Japan, the US, and Australia. In the beginning, I was __1__ by the differences in the views and cultures. After studying in the US, I got __2__ to the American way of thinking. So when I first moved to Australia, I had __3__ thoughts about Australians, I thought they were quiet and passive. I felt that I couldn't understand them and that I didn't __4__ in. That is when I met the Happy Science teachings. I learned about how people go through reincarnation (转世) and are born again and again in different races and in different countries. Therefore, I realized that the people I meet in this lifetime are __5__ connected to me from my past. We have known each other before. When I __6__ this spiritual perspective, I reflected on my narrow-Mindedness. When I found out that people who I thought I couldn't understand could be spiritually connected to me, I felt __7__ even for people I used to __8__ .I felt a feeling of oneness and I was able to make many friends creating bonds of understanding and respect. Value and __9__ every spiritual bond between you and the people you meet and continue to work hard to develop yourself in order to __10__ others and be a good influence.__7__内应填()A、negativeB、criticizeC、spirituallyD、shamefulE、affectionF、discoveredG、appreciateH、confusedI、fitJ、admitK、usedL、help

有什么需要帮助的吗?翻译成英文是()A、Do you want musicB、Do not forget to take your luggageC、Can I help you



肽键(peptide bond)

We()if you could give us whatever information you can in this respect.A、should appreciateB、appreciateC、appreciate itD、should appreciate it

当乘客下车后,司机应该提醒乘客带好随身物品,怎样说?()A、Please stop hereB、Do not forget to take your luggageC、Please fasten your seat-belt

单选题Besides genes, our skin color has much to do with_______.AexerciseBweightCfoodDsunshine

单选题When joining a vessel,do not forget personal documents and your spectacles,and()if necessary.AdrugBremedyCmedicineDhealer

单选题Spiritual Bond Besides, do not forget to appreciate the ''spiritual bond'' between people. I've met numerous people in Japan, the US, and Australia. In the beginning, I was __1__ by the differences in the views and cultures. After studying in the US, I got __2__ to the American way of thinking. So when I first moved to Australia, I had __3__ thoughts about Australians, I thought they were quiet and passive. I felt that I couldn't understand them and that I didn't __4__ in. That is when I met the Happy Science teachings. I learned about how people go through reincarnation (转世) and are born again and again in different races and in different countries. Therefore, I realized that the people I meet in this lifetime are __5__ connected to me from my past. We have known each other before. When I __6__ this spiritual perspective, I reflected on my narrow-Mindedness. When I found out that people who I thought I couldn't understand could be spiritually connected to me, I felt __7__ even for people I used to __8__ .I felt a feeling of oneness and I was able to make many friends creating bonds of understanding and respect. Value and __9__ every spiritual bond between you and the people you meet and continue to work hard to develop yourself in order to __10__ others and be a good influence.__4__内应填()AnegativeBcriticizeCspirituallyDshamefulEaffectionFdiscoveredGappreciateHconfusedIfitJadmitKusedLhelp

问答题Satire exists because there is need for it. It has lived because readers appreciate a refreshing stimulus, an irreverent reminder that they live in a world of platitudinous thinking, cheap moralizing, and foolish philosophy. Satire serves to prod people into an awareness of truth, though rarely to any action on behalf of truth. Satire tends to remind people that much of what they see, hear, and read in popular media is sanctimonious, sentimental, and only partially true. Life resembles in only a slight degree the popular image of it. Soldiers rarely hold the ideals that movies attribute to them, nor do ordinary citizens devote their lives to unselfish service of humanity. Intelligent people know these things but tend to forget them when they do not hear them expressed.

单选题What can be inferred from the passage?APhobias have much to do with depression.BEverybody has something to fear about.CAvoidance can help patients forget fear.DThe symptoms of panic disorder are easy to find.


单选题—You don’t forget when we borrowed that reference book, do you?—I can’t remember now but _____ sometime last week?Amight it beBcould it beCcould it have beenDshould it have been