问答题1 There are many arguments for and against television. The poor quality of its program is often criticized and TV commercials are also boring. So television is undoubtedly 1.__________ a great comfort to many lonely and elderly people. 2 The manager of a large office building had received many complains about elevator service in the building, but he engaged a group of engineers to study the situation 2.__________ and make recommendation for improvement. 3 We asked a lady, who replied that she thought you could tell a well-mannered person by the way they occupied the space around them——for example, when such a person walks down a street he or she is constantly unaware of others. Such people never 3.__________ bump into other people. 4 Until the very latest moment of his existence, man has been bound the planet on which he originated and developed. Now he has the capability to leave that planet and move out into the universe to those worlds which he has known previously only directly. 4.__________ 5 One major decision which faces the American students ready to begin higher education is the choice of attending a large university or a small college. The large university provides a wide range of specialized departments as well as numerous courses within such departments. The small college, therefore, 5.__________ generally provides a limited number of courses and specializations but offers a better student-faculty ratio, thus permitting individualized attention to students. 6 Music the Johnny has learned to appreciate as unpleasant is just dull noise to Jimmy——and quite 6.__________ possible, vice versa. 7 We are learning, finally, that silence is a natural resource and must be protected by law. It appears that we all find company in sound, if we all 7.__________ demand a little quiet from time to time. 8 The farmer aroused at down or before it and had much work to do, with his own muscles as his chief source of power. He used axes, spades and 8.__________ other complicated tools. 9 Whether women who have started a career will attain pay equality with men rests on at least two factors. First, will most of them continue part-time at their jobs after they have children? A 9.__________ break in their employment, or a decision to work part-time, will slow their raises and promotions as it would for men. 10 Whether true or not, the story illustrates the problem with idioms. They are almost possible to 10.__________ understand from the meanings of the individual words. And with English idioms, even the same words may have different meanings.在2处填写改错内容。

1 There are many arguments for and against television. The poor quality of its program is often criticized and TV commercials are also boring. So television is undoubtedly 1.__________ a great comfort to many lonely and elderly people. 2 The manager of a large office building had received many complains about elevator service in the building, but he engaged a group of engineers to study the situation 2.__________ and make recommendation for improvement. 3 We asked a lady, who replied that she thought you could tell a well-mannered person by the way they occupied the space around them——for example, when such a person walks down a street he or she is constantly unaware of others. Such people never 3.__________ bump into other people. 4 Until the very latest moment of his existence, man has been bound the planet on which he originated and developed. Now he has the capability to leave that planet and move out into the universe to those worlds which he has known previously only directly. 4.__________ 5 One major decision which faces the American students ready to begin higher education is the choice of attending a large university or a small college. The large university provides a wide range of specialized departments as well as numerous courses within such departments. The small college, therefore, 5.__________ generally provides a limited number of courses and specializations but offers a better student-faculty ratio, thus permitting individualized attention to students. 6 Music the Johnny has learned to appreciate as unpleasant is just dull noise to Jimmy——and quite 6.__________ possible, vice versa. 7 We are learning, finally, that silence is a natural resource and must be protected by law. It appears that we all find company in sound, if we all 7.__________ demand a little quiet from time to time. 8 The farmer aroused at down or before it and had much work to do, with his own muscles as his chief source of power. He used axes, spades and 8.__________ other complicated tools. 9 Whether women who have started a career will attain pay equality with men rests on at least two factors. First, will most of them continue part-time at their jobs after they have children? A 9.__________ break in their employment, or a decision to work part-time, will slow their raises and promotions as it would for men. 10 Whether true or not, the story illustrates the problem with idioms. They are almost possible to 10.__________ understand from the meanings of the individual words. And with English idioms, even the same words may have different meanings. 在2处填写改错内容。


解析: 文章并没有表达转折的意思,因为经理收到了许多关于电梯服务的投诉,所以他才做出后面的措施,因此此处应该是因果关系。


Some people are against killing wolves because .A.wolves help to keep the ecological balance in the wildemessB.there is too small a wolf population in the wildernessC.there are too many deer in the wildernessD.wolves are afraid of people and never attack people

请把电视的声音关小。Please ________ ________the television.

We may conclude from the text that .[A] human cloning will not succeed unless the technique is more efficient[B] scientists are optimistic about cloning technique[C] many people are against the idea of human cloning[D] cloned animals are more favored by owners even if they are weaker

(c) In the context of a standard unmodified audit report, describe the content of a liability disclaimer paragraph,and discuss the main arguments for and against the use of a liability disclaimer paragraph. (5 marks)

跟单托收的交单条件有:() A.D/P or D/P at xx days after sightB.Delivery of documents against letters of undertaking to payC.Delivery of documents against promissory noteD.Delivery of documents against a signed trust receiptE.Delivery of documents against part of collection to be paid at sight and the balance by way of the acceptance of a separate draft payable at a future date.F.D/A

Prejudice against black was ________ to most white Americans for many years.A、visibleB、invisibleC、tangibleD、intangible

(The Trouble with Television) The only thingA、mericans do when they are at leisure is to watch television.()

(The Trouble with Television) The American public is not well aware of the adverse effects of television.()

Children can________a lot from television. A.lookB.learnC.catchD.teach

_____majority of people are highly against the pollution in this city. A. —B. AC. TheD. Many

Which of the following commands will show how many physical partitions are available on active hdisk1?() A. lspv hdisk1B. lsvg -p hdisk1C. lsattr -p hdisk1D. lsdev -E -l hdisk1

Which of the following best describes the organization of the last paragraph of the passage?( ) A.An observation is made and qualifications of it are provided. B.A phenomenon is noted and explanations for it are presented. C.A hypothesis is presented and arguments against it are cited. D.A prognosis is made and evidence supporting it is discussed.

If the instructions are D/P the importer’s bank will release the documents to the importer only against payment.A对B错

托收按交单方式分两种情况:付款交单(Documents against Payment,简称D/P),和承兑交单(Documents against Acceptance,简称D/A)。

If the instructions are D/P the importer’s bank will release the documents to the importer only against payment.

Which of the following commands will show how many physical partitions are available on active hdisk1?()A、lspv hdisk1B、lsvg -p hdisk1C、lsattr -p hdisk1D、lsdev -E -l hdisk1

单选题Why do American Indians protest against the construction of this pipeline?ABecause it will cost up to $3.8 billion.BBecause it threatens the region's water supply.CBecause it will make many people lose their jobs.DBecause it will force many people to leave their homes.

单选题The third paragraph plays what role in the passage?AIt summarizes all the points expressed in the first two paragraphs.BIt raises new arguments that expand on those previously expressed.CIt suggests a possible area for useful research in the future.DIt rejects the arguments expressed in the first paragraph.EIt provides concrete evidence against arguments expressed in the second paragraph.

判断题托收按交单方式分两种情况:付款交单(Documents against Payment,简称D/P),和承兑交单(Documents against Acceptance,简称D/A)。A对B错

单选题A retail customer has a database application that is accessed by a large number of people through a web interface from multiple remote locations. Which questions will provide the information necessary to design the best performing storage solution of the following?()AHow many web servers will be connected to the database?BHow many concurrent applications will run against the database?CHow many concurrent users will be accessing the database?DWhat are the types of transactions run against the database?

单选题Many students agreed to come, but some students against because they said they don’t have time.Awere against because they said they did notBwere against because they say they don’tCwere against it because they said they did notDwere against coming because they said they don’t

单选题At the G20 meeting, many good ideas ______ on how to fight against pollution all over the world.Aset upBput upCpicked upDcame up

单选题Many sheath-screw davits have markings to indicate the maximum angle to which they should be cranked out. If the angle is exceeded,the davit().Amay jam against the stopsBwill not automatically position the boat at the embarkation stationCscrew may come out of the sheathDwill chafe against the falls and may cause their failure

单选题As a defense against air-pollution damage, many plants and animals _____ a substance to absorb harmful chemicals.ArelieveBreleaseCdismissDdiscard

单选题Many people are against the use of chemicals to preserve food because ______.Achemicals are not necessary for preserving foodBa small quantity of bacteria in food is good to peopleCthose chemicals that kill bacteria may not be good to peopleDthere are other better ways to preserve food

单选题Two circles, P and Q, lie in the same plane. If the center of circle Q lies on circle P, then in how many points could circle P and circle Q intersect?Ⅰ. 0Ⅱ. 1Ⅲ. 2AⅠ onlyBⅡ onlyCⅢ onlyDⅠ, Ⅱ and ⅢEⅡ and Ⅲ only

单选题The main idea of the last paragraph is that a teenager should ______.Adiffer from others in as many ways as possibleBbecome popular with othersCfind his real selfDrebel against his parents and the popularity wave

单选题The arguments for and against the scheme have been _____ in a booklet which will appear shortly.Aset upBset downCset outDset about