单选题ECDIS should be capable of()all chart information necessary for safe and efficient navigation originated.AExhibitingBExistingCDemonstratingDDisplaying

ECDIS should be capable of()all chart information necessary for safe and efficient navigation originated.









解析: 暂无解析


A healthy diet should contain all the necessary______. A.nutritionB.nutritiousC.nutrients

Why does the author think it necessary to bring order to the Internet_________?A. Because its database is disorganized.B. Because the information required is specific.C. Because its information is diverse and widespread.D. All of the above.

Which of the following backup methods should be used nightly to ensure backups capture all necessary data in the LEAST amount of time?() A. DailyB. IncrementalC. NormalD. Differential

line chart窗口3的信息来自于哪个地方() A.chart 1的 additional infoB.chart 1的 eventC.chart 1的 change msD.chart 1的Information Elements

Which publication should you check for complete information on Puget Sound weather conditions?A.Sailing DirectionsB.Light ListC.Coast PilotD.Chart of the area

Chart correction information is NOT disseminated through the ______.A.Summary of CorrectionsB.Local Notice to MarinersC.Daily MemorandumD.Chart Correction Card

Magnetic information on a chart may be ______.A.found in the center(s) of the compass rose(s)B.indicated by isogonic linesC.found in a note on the chartD.All of the above

All ships ______ suspected infectious disease on board should radio information to Port Health Officer.A.withB.hasC.haveD.had

All of the following can be found on a Pilot Chart EXCEPT information concerning the ______.A.percentage of frequency of wave heightsB.percentage of poor visibility conditionsC.sea surface temperaturesD.amounts of precipitation

Directions:Write an essay based on the following chart.In your writing,you should interpret the chart,and You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

When you write, () all the necessary information.Aremembering to includeBremember includingCremember and includeDremember to include

With reference to the requirements under IMO MODU CODE,Operating manuals containing guidance for the safe operation of the MODU unit for both normal and envisaged emergency conditions, to the satisfaction of the Administration should be provided on board and be readily available to all concerned. The manuals should, in addition to providing the necessary general information about the unit, contain guidance on and procedures for the operations that are vital to the safety of personnel and the unit.The operating manual for normal operations should include the following general descriptive information()A、a description and particulars of the unitB、a capacity plan showing the capacities and the vertical, longitudinal and transverse centers of gravity of tanks and bulk material stowage spacesC、Fuel oil storage and transfer proceduresD、All of above

line chart窗口3的信息来自于哪个地方() A、chart 1的 additional infoB、chart 1的 eventC、chart 1的 change msD、chart 1的Information Elements

Which of the following backup methods should be used nightly to ensure backups capture all necessary data in the LEAST amount of time?()A、DailyB、IncrementalC、NormalD、Differential

单选题An electronic chart system meeting IMO specifications for complying with chart carrying requirements is an().AE-NavigationBIntegrated Bridge systemCElectronic Chart SystemDElectronic Chart Display and Information System

单选题We should be able to do the job for you quickly, _____ you give us all the necessary information.Aas ifBso thatCin caseDprovided that

单选题ECDIS should be capable of()all chart information necessary for safe and efficient navigation originated.AExhibitingBExistingCDemonstratingDDisplaying

问答题Practice 3  You have read the job advertisement below in a newspaper and you want to apply for the job. Write a letter of application to the manager of the company, Mr. Meed, giving all the necessary personal information. You should write approximately 100 words.  Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter. Use“Wang Lin” instead. You do not need to write the address.

问答题Practice 2  Read the job advertisement below from a newspaper and suppose you want to apply for the job. Write a letter of application, giving all the necessary personal information.  You should write approximately 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter. Use “Wang Lin” instead.

单选题The ability to communicate ideas and instruction was all necessary for the incredible development of the frontal brain lobe in human beings.Aall that was necessaryBnecessary all thatCall necessary that Dthat all was necessary

单选题All of the following can be found on a Pilot Chart EXCEPT information concerning the().Apercentage of frequency of wave heightsBpercentage of poor visibility conditionsCsea surface temperaturesDamounts of precipitation

单选题If it becomes necessary to cutout an individual cylinder of a large, low-speed, main propulsion diesel engine, the fuel to that cylinder should be secured and its ()Afuel pump should be removed and all connections blanked offBcylinder oil feed rate should be increased slightly above that used at normal sea speedCcylinder oil feed rate should be reducedDcylinder oil feed rate should be increased to the maximum flow capable of the metering pump

单选题When you write, () all the necessary information.Aremembering to includeBremember includingCremember and includeDremember to include

单选题What does ECDIS stand for?()AElectrical Chart Display and Indication SystemBElectronic Chart Display and Information systemCElectric Chart Display and Information SystemDElectronic Chart Display and Indicating system

单选题Which of the following backup methods should be used nightly to ensure backups capture all necessary data in the LEAST amount of time?()A DailyB IncrementalC NormalD Differential

单选题On chart,bearings to near objects should be used in preference to objects farther off,because().Aa small error in bearing or in laying it down on the chart has a greater effect in misplacing the position the longer the line to be drawnBall scales are kept updated for vital information by Notices to MarinersCthe larger the scale of the chart,the greater the detail that can be shown on itDthe mariner using the medium scale charts for passage along a coast need not transfer on to a large scale for short distances

单选题With reference to the requirements under IMO MODU CODE,Operating manuals containing guidance for the safe operation of the MODU unit for both normal and envisaged emergency conditions, to the satisfaction of the Administration should be provided on board and be readily available to all concerned. The manuals should, in addition to providing the necessary general information about the unit, contain guidance on and procedures for the operations that are vital to the safety of personnel and the unit.The operating manual for normal operations should include the following general descriptive information()Aa description and particulars of the unitBa capacity plan showing the capacities and the vertical, longitudinal and transverse centers of gravity of tanks and bulk material stowage spacesCFuel oil storage and transfer proceduresDAll of above

单选题If the electronic chart is part of an ECDIS,it must display the minimum data required by IMO/IHO,to include all of the following EXCEPT().AhydrographyBaids to navigationCtidal currentsDregulatory boundaries