单选题If you were offered a trip to the moon, _____ it?Adid you acceptBare you going to acceptCwill you acceptDwould you accept

If you were offered a trip to the moon, _____ it?

did you accept


are you going to accept


will you accept


would you accept


考查与现在事实相反的虚拟语气。从句要用had done,主句用would/should/could/might do。


–If you were in my position, what would you do?–() A、Hi! It’s you problem.B、I weren’t you.C、If I were you, I would give up.D、I don’t know.

Are you still here? You were here half an hour ago. Who( )for? A、were you waitingB、are you waitingC、did you waitD、do you wait

_______yesterday, you would have met Professor Jones.But now he has left for London. A.Did you comeB.Had you comeC.Should you comeD.Were you to come

--- ____?一I’ve never been there but I hope to go there in the future.A.Where are you going for holidayB.Have you been to AmericaC.What did you do last week

--- ______?--- I’ve never been there but I hope to go there in the future.A. Have you been to AmericaB. Where are you going for holidayC. What did you do last week

When did you ( )that letter? A.receiveB.takeC.acceptD.took

______ that dress when I first saw you at the station?A、Were you wearingB、Have you wornC、Did you wearD、Do you wear

Ida:_______Where was I?Homer: You were talking about your trip to South Africa.A、What did I hear?B、Let's check in.C、Let's back up.D、What were you talking about?

If I were you, I ____ the job.() A、 acceptB、 acceptedC、 will acceptD、 would accept

Which substitution variable would you use if you want to reuse the variable without prompting the user each time? () A. B. ACCEPTC. PROMPTD.

题库1. What extracurricular activities were you involved in? What made you choose those? Which of them did you most enjoy, and why?

If you Were to start college over again tomorrow, what are the courses you would take?why?

What percentage of your college did you college did you pay for and what sort of jobs did you have while you were in school?

Y: Did you know that you were wearing odd socks?A.qualityB.quantityC.relationD.manner

You never told us why you were late for the party, A.weren’t youB.didn’t youC.had youD.did you

So,()this weekend, Kate? Oh, Diane and I went for a drive in the country.Awhat did you doBhow well did you playChow good were youDwhen did you go

“请问您要去哪里?”可以用英文表达为()。A、Where do you want to go?B、Where would you like to go?C、Where are you going?D、Where are they going?

So,()this weekend, Kate? Oh, Diane and I went for a drive in the country.A、what did you doB、how well did you playC、how good were youD、when did you go

Which substitution variable would you use if you want to reuse the variable without prompting the user each time? ()A、B、ACCEPTC、PROMPTD、

单选题Joan: Did you spend the nights camping outside? That alone would make the trip unappealing to me.  Jack: Oh, no! ______Each person on the trip had a private cabin, and the facilities included a hot tub, a lodge where you could have a drink and relax, and a top-notch cafeteria with great food.AThe beds were not comfortable.BThe living-rooms were insufficient.CThere was enough food for us.DThe accommodations were fantastic.

单选题—Can you tell me ______?— With Lucy’s help.Awhen you did it so wellBwhen did you do it so wellChow you did it so wellDhow did you do it so well

问答题What films did you like when you were young?

单选题______ five minutes earlier, you would not have missed the last train for Shanghai,but you were late.AHad you comeBDo you comeCDid you comeDShould you come

单选题So,()this weekend, Kate? Oh, Diane and I went for a drive in the country.Awhat did you doBhow well did you playChow good were youDwhen did you go

单选题—I thought you were going to call on me last night.  —Sorry, I would have, ______Abut I had to finish my homeworkBbut 1 would call you as soon as possibleCI thought you were thereDyou would have taken me there

问答题Practice 3  ● You are Head of Marketing for an international computer manufacturer. You have to make an urgent trip tonight to visit Sally Jones, a potential and influential client in US.  ● Write a memo to your secretary:  ● telling her who you are going to see and where and when,  ● asking her to book flight tickets and make accommodation for you,  ● stating the work you would like her to do in your absence.  ● Write 40—50 words.

单选题If you were offered a trip to the moon, ______ it?Adid you acceptBare you going to acceptCwill you acceptDwould you accept

单选题John: Did you enjoy your holiday in Xi’ an?  Nancy: Yes, I had a wonderful time there.  Jane: ______  Nancy: Well, I think it’s a place worth visiting.AWhere did you go in Xi’ an?BHow did you go to Xi’ an?CWhat do you think of Xi’ an?DWhen would you like to visit Xi’ an again?