


可以说every day也可以用per day,两个词不能连用。


单选题We learn from Para. 8 and Para. 9 that______.Adiabetes patients must take medication upon diagnosis.Bmedication is the first line of defense against Type 2 diabetes.Cboth lifestyle and medication are important for diabetes patients.Ddiabetes patients have no difficulties accepting medical cure.



问答题What does the word “sprawl” in the first paragraph indicate?


单选题Which of the following statements about political marriage is NOT true?AAs a form of diplomacy, it mainly happened between ruling classes.BIt resolved conflict, achieved regional stability and promoted economic exchange.CIt, among other things, helped to form a worldview.DIt resulted in culture clash among different religious and ethnic groups.

单选题The relationship between the third and fourth paragraphs is that______.Aeach presents one side of Wal-Mart.Bthe third generalizes and the fourth gives examples.Cboth present Wal-Mart’s success in business.Dthe fourth further accounts for the third.

问答题我们每天丢弃的垃圾都被送到哪里去了?我国的垃圾处理方法主要以填埋为主;而垃圾在土地中自然降解的时间非常漫长,而且有毒害的物质还有可能渗透到我们的饮用水中。如果我们把垃圾分类回收再利用,将大大缓解垃圾对环境的危害。  让我们都做具有环保意识的消费者,身体力行“三个再”:即再节约、再利用、再循环。环境保护要从我做起,从小事做起。

单选题Which of the following is NOT true about the teenagers’ attitude towards their parents?AThey yearn for the respect and approval from their parents.BThey want a private space without being invaded by their parents.CThey usually have a conversation with their parents in unequal positions.DThey resist parents’ remarks due to their disbelief of parents’ judgments.

单选题“In rude health” in the first sentence of paragraph 3 probably means______.Ain bad health.Bstrong and healthy.Cprofit-making.Dloss-making.



单选题We get the impression that Virginius is a man of______.Aharmless vanity.Bprofound knowledge.Chigh aspiration.Dimmovable confidence.

单选题The relationship between the second and third paragraph is that______.Athe third is the further development of the second.Bthe second generalizes and the third gives examples.Ceach presents one side of the background information of the dead.Dboth present the author’s disagreements with the inscription.


单选题According to the passage, what impression can we get on Cerritos?AIts geographic boundaries are of remarkably regular shape.BIt is a thriving commercial center rather than a residential site.CIt boasts a lifestyle that is rich in art and recreation.DIt is one of the most staidly planned cities in the region.


单选题What is mentioned as a reason why the world market is being globalised?AThe developing countries can get goods and services from western countries only.BSome western multinationals are eager to reap profits from other countries.CThe developed countries depend more on resources of the developing countries.DThe world is becoming more connected through internet and telecommunications.

问答题The emergence of the Uber digital tide finder and the regulation questions it tends to raise have inspired debates, protests and supports around the world. The following are comments on legalization of ride-hailing service both from officials and ordinary citizens. Read the excerpts carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should:  1. summarize briefly the comments from both sides;  2. give your comment.  Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.Government Authorities  Maranda Gibson, a representative from Los Angeles Department of Transportation: The drivers for Uber are not required to pass background checks or have their vehicles inspected for safety. They don’t have to pay the same taxes, insurance fees and licensing fees that taxi drivers do. While taxi drivers go through an extensive training course called “the Knowledge”, where drivers must learn 320 routes covering 25,000 streets, as well as important buildings and points of interest, Uber drivers can come straight with a car and GPS.  Boris Johnson, a British politician: I have sympathy for taxi drivers, but it would be “difficult” for the government to ban Uber. We’ve gone to the high court to get a ruling on this, and the issue is basically: is the driver’s mobile in the cab equivalent to a taxi meter? I can see why my learned friends might think that it is, because it’s receiving data about, or it’s calculating, the distance and time and the fare. And there are other lawyers who say that it isn’t, and that was the advice of the counsel to Transport for London. And so we’ve got a legal problem.Ordinary Citizens  Mary Williams: I think as long as the Uber drivers have the necessary background checks done (they don’t have any warrants, are not reckless drivers, and are properly insured) then they should be allowed to offer their services. The transportation market is changing as it should with technology. I think it’s great that Uber users are able to see their driver’s ratings and can hail them quicker than they can get a cab. It’s just a different way of doing business.  Matthew Yglesias: I think it’s pretty obvious that Uber does in fact need to be regulated. And regulated pretty heavily. After all, here’s the business: You’ve got people cruising around cities in medium sized metal boxes capable of traveling at high speeds and powered by burning gasoline. Left unregulated, these vehicles would poison the air and crush huge numbers of innocent pedestrians. Which is why it’s good that the federal government regulates what kind of automobiles are considered safe to drive and regulates what kind of vehicle emissions are acceptable, and it’s why state and local governments regulate both who is allowed to drive cars (with driver’s licenses), under what circumstances (with drunk driving laws), and of course what you’re allowed to do with a vehicle (with road rules). These are important things for the government to do.  Daniel Tencer: The regulatory issue around Uber is whether the rules governing rides-for-hire need to be drastically different than the rules governing driving-yourself-around. But you don’t need rules that specifically discriminate against rides for hire. Anything you want to do around driving yourself is presumptively legal, and you want to do around hiring someone else to drive you is presumptively illegal. But by all means, regulate cars-for-hire, just regulate them the same way you regulate the other cars.

问答题长期以来,科学与艺术之间的关系一直是剃头担子一头热:科学热恋着艺术,艺术却拒科学于千里之外。  许多大科学家一生钟爱艺术,且懂艺术,从中汲取养料,善养浩然之气,或得到人生最大安慰。相反,热爱自然科学并且理解工程技术的文学艺术家真可谓凤毛麟角。  艺术家对自然科学望而生畏,敬而远之,原因之一是里面有一大堆高深的数学公式。其实,撇开数学,绕过那一大堆公式,一门学科的基本思想还是可以被我们理解和欣赏的。



单选题Which of the following statements contains a metaphor?A“... before he can choose a fitting key of words...” (Para. 3)B“...there was either some conspicuous force or some happy distinction...” (Para. 2)C“I must.., and set myself to ape that quality.” (Para. 2)D“I often accompanied my walks with dramatic dialogues...” (Para. 2)

单选题In his secret hours, the author _____.Anoted down the lines he likedBimitated the passages that impressed himCedited the passages for publicationDread works written by great writers

单选题According to Para. 3, all the followings are the cultural or technological innovation EXCEPT _____.Athe transformation of these valleys and plainsBthe use of these valleys’ soil and waterCthe timing of flood seasonsDthe calendar

单选题During the conversation, Julia indicates thatARoger doesn’t enjoy the nature very much.BRoger doesn’t do well in golfCRoger has been drinking too much beer.DRoger loves getting up early.

单选题Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?AThe Journaloffers very little space for baseball stats.BGary feels ashamed at having a baseball team in his city.CThe woman seems to like The City Journal.DThe woman is not a sports fan.