Which two operations are NOT performed by the DUPLICATE command in Recovery Manager (RMAN)while duplicating a running database?() A. Creating the control file for the duplicate databaseB. Restoring the target data files to the duplicate databaseC. Performing complete recovery using all available backupsD. Generating a new, unique DBID for the duplicate databaseE. Copying the online redo log files from the target database to the duplicate database

Which two operations are NOT performed by the DUPLICATE command in Recovery Manager (RMAN)while duplicating a running database?()

A. Creating the control file for the duplicate database

B. Restoring the target data files to the duplicate database

C. Performing complete recovery using all available backups

D. Generating a new, unique DBID for the duplicate database

E. Copying the online redo log files from the target database to the duplicate database


Examine the following command used to perform incremental level 0 backup:RMAN BACKUP INCREMENTAL LEVEL 0 DATABASE;To enable the block change tracking, after the incremental level 0 backup you issued the following command:SQL ALTER DATABASE ENABLE BLOCK CHANGE TRACKING USINGFILE ‘/mydir/rman_change_track.f‘;To perform incremental level 1 cumulative backup, you issued the following command:RMAN BACKUP INCREMENTAL LEVEL 1 CUMULATIVE DATABASE;Which two statements are true in the above situation?()A. The block change tracking data will be used only from the next incremental 0 backup.B. The incremental backup will use change tracking data for accomplishing the backup.C. The incremental backup will not use change tracking data for accomplishing the backup.D. The block track file will scan all the blocks and create bitmap for all the blocks backed up in the level 0 backup.

On Friday at 11:30 am you decided to flash back the database because of a user error that occurred at 8:30 am. Which option must you use to check whether a flashback operation can recover the database to the specified time? ()A. Check the alert log fileB. Query the V$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_LOG viewC. Query the V$RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZE viewD.Query the V$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_STAT viewE. Check the value assigned for the UNDO_RETENTION parameter



Youarerequiredtoflashbackyourdatabase.Youwanttofindtheamountofflashbackdatageneratedsincethedatabasewasopened.Whichtaskwillyouperformtoobtaintherequiredinformation?() A.QuerytheV$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_LOGview.B.QuerytheV$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_STATview.C.CheckthevalueoftheDB_FLASHBACK_RETENTION_TARGETinitializationparameter.D.QuerytheV$RECOVERY_FILE_DESTview.



You performed an incremental level 0 backup of a database:RMAN BACKUP INCREMENTAL LEVEL 0 DATABASE;To enable block change tracking after the incremental level 0 backup, you issued this command:SQL ALTER DATABASE ENABLE BLOCK CHANGE TRACKING USING FILE ‘ /mydir/rman_change_track.f’;To perform an incremental level 1 cumulative backup, you issued this command:RMAN BACKUP INCREMENTAL LEVEL 1 CUMULATIVE DATABASE;Which three statements are true?()A. Backup change tracking will sometimes reduce I/O performed during cumulative incremental backups.B. The change tracking file must always be backed up when you perform a full database backup.C. Block change tracking will always reduce I/O performed during cumulative incremental backups.D. More than one database block may be read by an incremental backup for a change made to a single block.E. The incremental level 1 backup that immediately follows the enabling of block change tracking will not read the change tracking file to discover changed blocks.

YouwouldliketocreateanRMANrecovercatalog&e YouwouldliketocreateanRMANrecovercataloginwhichtostoreinformationaboutyourDB01database.YouwanttousethedatabasenamedRCDBforthestorageofyourrecoverycatalog.Thesixstepsyouwillfollowtocreatearecovercatalogarenotdisplayedinthecorrectorder.Whichdisplaysthecorrectorder?()1.Granttheappropriateprivileges(CONNECTandRESOURCE)androles(RECOVERY_CATALOG_OWNER)totheuserresponsibleforperformingbackupandrecoveroperations.2.Registerthetargetdatabaseinthecatalog.3.CreatethecatalogusingtheRMANcommandlineinterpreter.4.Createauserandschemawhichwillowntherecoverycatalog.5.CreatetablespacetoholdthecataloginthedatabaseyouhavededicatedforyourRMANrecoverycatalog.6.ConnecttothetargetdatabaseusingSYSDBAprivileges.