I would love () to a football match.A、comeB、comingC、to come

I would love () to a football match.



C、to come


I, my, will, true, come, hope, dream__________________________________________________________________________.

1.I ______they ______tomorrow.A. think; won’ t comeB. don- t think ; comeC. don't think; will comeD. think; come

I've always enjoyed_____ football.A. to playB. playingC. play

I ()have been here, but I()not find the time.A. could; couldB. might; couldC. should; couldD. should; would

Come on through. I'm sorry your wife couldn't() it.A、comeB、makeC、meetD、find

There are some visitors()to our marketing department next week.A. comeB. comingC. to coming

I () roast leg of lamb, please.A、will likeB、would likeC、would

根据下列程序的执行结果,可以断定划线部分的修饰符应为______。执行结果:i9a football is created.a football is created.i=10a football is destroyed.a football is created.i=20a football is destroyed.a football is destroyed.源程序:include<iostream.h>class Football{public:Football( ){cout<<"a football is created."<<endl;}~Football( ){tout<<"a football is destroyed."<<endl;}};void func(int i){______Football f1;Football f2;cout<<"i="<<i<<endl;}void main( ){func(10);func(20);}

—The boss wants to talk to you.He seems unhappy with your performance.—Oh,I?be in trouble.I hope he won′t fire me.A.MustB.canC.ShouldD.would