An operator is editing a file using a keyboard without arrow keys. What key can be used to move the cursor one character to the right?() A. nB. jC. kD. l

An operator is editing a file using a keyboard without arrow keys. What key can be used to move the cursor one character to the right?()

A. n

B. j

C. k

D. l


People will be able to fly from one planet to another in (). A.little nasty arrow-shaped tubesB.nasty little arrow-shaped tubesC.arrow-shaped little nasty tubesD.arrow-shaped little nasty tubes

What()I do()I miss the train. A.shall,becauseB.shall,ifC.can,becauseD.shall,although

American people divide their days into several blocks of time, and plan different activities (41) () different times. American time is “on the dot”(准确地)). If something is supposed to happen at Eight o’clock, it will begin at eight. Americans value promptness(准时)and may become angry if a person is more than 15 minutes late (42) () a good reason. If you know you are going to be late, call in advance and let someone know. (43) () you arrive late, you should apologize and explain why. Americans arrive (44) () time for doctors’ appointments. The doctor may keep you (45) (), but if you keep the doctor waiting, you may get a bill with the doctor’s time!(1). A.for B.waiting C.on D.if E.without(2). A.for B.waiting C.on D.if E.without(3). A.for B.waiting C.on D.if E.without(4). A.for B.waiting C.on D.if E.without(5). A.for B.waiting C.on D.if E.without

有以下程序: include include include intmain() {fstreamfil 有以下程序:include <iostream.h>include <fstream.h>include <stdlib.h>int main(){fstream filel,file2;char line[100];"source.txt",ios::in);if(!file1){cout<<"Can't open file source.txt!"<<end1;abort();}"dest.txt",ios::out);if(!file2){cout<<"Can't open file dest.txt!"<<end1;abort();}while(!file1.eof()){filel.getline(1ine,100);file2<<line;file2<<end1;}filel.close();file2.close();return 0;}此程序实现的功能是【 】。



PHP的文件上传函数move_uploads_file包括哪些属性?() A.nameB.typeC.sizeD.tmp_name

JAVA File类执行下面这段程序为什么会出现异常 File file=new File(args[0]); 这句是什么意思??*;importjava.util.*;publicclassFileClass{/***@paramargs*/publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){//TODOAuto-generatedmethodstubtry{Filefile=newFile(args[0]);System.out.println(args[0]+"文件");if(file.isFile()){//是否为文件System.out.print(file.canRead()?"可读":"不可读");System.out.print(file.canWrite()?"可写":"不可写");System.out.print(file.length()+"字节");//注意不能调用数组类型File[]的length()例:File[]files=file.listFiles();不可以这么调用filess.length()}else{//列出所有文件及目录File[]files=file.listFiles();ArrayListFilefileList=newArrayListFile();for(inti=0;ifiles.length;i++){//先列出目录if(files[i].isDirectory()){//是否为目录//取得路径名System.out.println("路径"+"["+files[i].getPath()+"]");}else{//文件先存入fileList,待会再列出fileList.add(files[i]);}}//列出文件for(Filef:fileList){System.out.println(f.toString());}System.out.println();}}catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptione){System.out.println("using:javaFileDemopathname");}}}结果:using:javaFileDemopathname是不是创建的对象所代表的文件没有被创建成功

For thousands of years people communicated ___ little more than words, stone tablets, and smoke useB.usedC.useD.using
