GiventhatsessionisavalidHttpSessionobject:Intmax=session.getAttribute(MyReallyLongName”);Whichistrue?() A.Thevaluereturnedneedstobecasttoanint.B.ThegetAttributemethostakestwoarguments.C.PrimitiveCANNOTbestoredintheHttpSession.D.TheHttpSessionattributenamemustNOTexceedeightcharacters.







GiventheTag:AssumingthetagreferencedbymyTags:getAdviceusestheClassiceventmodel,whichistrue?() A.ThedoAfterBodymethodiscalled.B.ThedoEndTagmethodisNOTcalled.C.ThetypeattributemaybespecifiedintheTLDD.ThedoStartTagMethodmustalwaysreturnSKIP_BODY.E.TheTLDforthistagmustNOTincludeatag.

下列定义不正确的有______。A.#define PI 3.141592B.#define S 345; max(x, y); int x,y; {} max(int,int);

下列函数定义不正确的是 ( ) max { int x y,z; z=x>y? x: y } max(x,y) int x,y; { int z; z=x>y? x:y; return(z) } max(x,y) { int x,y z; z=x>y? x: y; return(z); } max( ) {}

IntheeventofaGSSfailureinaGSScluster,whichistrue?() A.ThecurrentconnectionsarereroutedviathebackupGSSB.SecondaryGSScannotbeusedtoconfiguretheGSSclusterC.AllremainingGSSsintheclustercontinuerespondingtoanynewqueriesD.AllrecordsintheGSSdatabaseareflushedandreconstructedagainusinganewmasterGSS

On a vessel proceeding from a very cold to a warm climate with a cargo of a nonhygroscopic nature in the holds,which is TRUE ________.A.Danger of heavy ship sweat exists;constant and vigorous ventilation is requiredB.There is danger of heavy cargo sweat if outside air is introduced by ventilationC.There is little danger of ship's sweat,slight possibility of cargo sweat;moderate ventilation is neededD.The possibility of any sweat problem,either cargo or ship,is remote

下列函数定义中,正确的是()。 max1(int a,int b) { return a>b?a:b; } max1(int a,b) { return a>b?a:b; } max1(a,b) { int a,b; return a>b?a:b; } max1(int a,int b); { return a>b?a:b; }

【单选题】现在session中没有任何属性,阅读下面2个JSP中的代码,将分别输出()。 <% out.println(session.getAttribute("svse")); %> <% session.invalidate(); out.println(session.getAttribute("svse")); %>A.null, 异常信息B.null, nullC.异常信息,异常信息D.异常信息,null

对于下列Com接口,叙述正确的是()。 interface Com{ int MAX=100; int fun(); }A.Com是一个public接口B.编译器认为int fun(); 就是 abstract int fun();C.编译器认为 int MAX=100; 就是public final int MAX=100;D.编译器认为 int MAX=100; 就是public static final int MAX=100;

14、下列函数定义中,正确的是()。 max1(int a,int b) { return a>b?a:b; } max1(int a,b) { return a>b?a:b; } max1(a,b) { int a,b; return a>b?a:b; } max1(int a,int b); { return a>b?a:b; }