Software quality assurance is now an(71)sub-discipline of software engineering. As Bucldy and Oston point out,(72)software quality assurance is likely to lead to an ultimate(73)of software costs. However, the major hurdle in the path of software management in this area is the lack of(74)software standards. The development of accepted and generally applicable standards should be one of the principal goals of(75)in software engineering.A.emergingB.emergentC.engagingD.evolve

Software quality assurance is now an(71)sub-discipline of software engineering. As Bucldy and Oston point out,(72)software quality assurance is likely to lead to an ultimate(73)of software costs. However, the major hurdle in the path of software management in this area is the lack of(74)software standards. The development of accepted and generally applicable standards should be one of the principal goals of(75)in software engineering.






● Software (71) refers to that the software to meet the specification must be produced.(71)A. testB. supportC. developmentD. process

Software( )activities consume a large portion of the total life-cycle budget.A.repairB.maintenanceC.changeD.update

Computer systems consist of two very different types of elements: Hardware, which includes all the physical things that can be touched and(71)which tells the hardware how to do.A.Operating systemB.I/O devicesC.CoursewareD.Software

Asystems architecture is a representation of a system in which there is amapping of(71)onto hardware and softwarecomponents, a mapping of the(72)onto thehardware architecture. and a concern for the human interaction with thesecomponents. That is, system architecture is concerned with a total system, includinghardware. software, and humans.Softwarearchitectural structures can be divided into three major categories, dependingon the broad nature of the elements they show.1)(73)embodydecisions as a set of code or data units that have to be constructed orprocured.2)(74)embody decisions as to how the systemis to be structured as set of elements that have runtime behavior. andinteractions.3)(75)embody decisions as to how thesystem will relate to nonsoftware structures in itsenvironment(suchas CPUs, file systems, networks, development teams, etc.).71.( )A.attributesB.constraintC.functionalityD.requirements


Whichofthefollowingcommandsshouldbeusedtoobtaininformationabouttheinstalledsoftware?() A.smitsystemB.smitinstallpC.smitlicensesD.smitlist_software

The term“software ( )” is used to describe the software engineering activities that occur following delivery of a software product to the customer.A.analysisB.maintenanceC.designD.implementation

The term “software( )" is used to describe the software engineering activities that occur following delivery of a software product to the customer.A.analysisB.designC.implementationD.maintenance

Software( )refers to that the software to meet the specification must be produced.A.testB.supportC.developmentD.process

若字符串s=“software”,则其子串个数为: If the string s = "software", then the number of its sub-string is: