What is the most usual reason for the fresh water-sea water heat exchanger fouling in the sea side?A.lube oil sludge accumulating in itB.dirt and scale etc , formed on the surfacesC.deformation of the tubes and the shell or the platesD.lube oil leakage into sea-water side

What is the most usual reason for the fresh water-sea water heat exchanger fouling in the sea side?

A.lube oil sludge accumulating in it

B.dirt and scale etc , formed on the surfaces

C.deformation of the tubes and the shell or the plates

D.lube oil leakage into sea-water side


I have sent you asmany books as(). A.possibleB.beforeC.everD.usual

He did not do it ( ) reason. A、withoutB、withinC、forD、by

Birds will come back again and again to the ____ spot for food and water. A.forbiddenB.fleshC.givenD.fresh

Many good friends have a lot in _______.A、similarityB、differenceC、commonD、usual

The police believe the motive for the murder was jealousy.A: choiceB: ideaC: decisionD: reason

Her father was a quiet man with graceful manners.A:badB:politeC:similarD:usual

Her father was a quiet man with graceful manners.A:similarB:badC:politeD:usual

Keep your passport in a secure place.A:secret B:safeC:familiar D:usual

以下哪一项表达最为准确?A.Both bombs produce the same three effects: heat, blast, and radiation. The first of which usually causes the most fatalities.#B.Both bombs produce the same three effects: heat, blast, and radiation, the first of them usually causes the most fatalities.#C.Both bombs produce the same three effects: heat, blast, and radiation, the first of which usually causes the most fatalities.#D.Both bombs produce the same three effects
