In the presence of an open flame or hot surfaces, chlorinated flourocarbon refrigerants decomposes and form .A.petroleum crystalsB.phosgene gasC.water vaporD.carbon monoxide

In the presence of an open flame or hot surfaces, chlorinated flourocarbon refrigerants decomposes and form .

A.petroleum crystals

B.phosgene gas

C.water vapor

D.carbon monoxide


hot. However, every kind of the Chinese food is worth trying, 81. ____________

The frog ___ along the shore of the pond.


请在(6)处填上最佳答案。[A] progress[B] absence[C] presence[D] favor

即时通信业务有()和搜索业务、邀请业务等。 A.即时消息业务B.Presence业务C.Group业务D.短信

Take vigorous exercise for several hours a week.A:hot-temperedB:energeticC:friendly D:patient

He impressed all his colleagues as a vigorous man in the prime of his career.A: hot-temperedB: energeticC: friendlyD: patient

The weather last summer was awful.A: badB: fairC: dryD: hot

A. warm B. cold C. cool D. hot
