what’s your captain’s nationality?

what’s your captain’s nationality?


What’s () is to get information about the situation first. A.the wisestB.a wisestC.the wiserD.wisest

What’s the matter now, for God’s ()? A、faceB、sakeC、concernsD、best

What's the meaning of ".S." in Chinese? A、附言B、抄送C、致敬

—几点了?—12:30。—What ‘s________ ________?—It's 12:30.

My opinions are similar to ___. A.youB.yourC.yoursD.your's

What’s ____ in the bone will come out in the flesh. A、bredB、insertedC、raisedD、broken

What's ( )job? Are ( ) British?A. your, yourB. you, yourC. your, you

Given:What,insertedatline39,willsortthekeysinthepropsHashMap?() A.Arrays.sort(s);B.s=newTreeSet(s);C.Collections.sort(s);D.s=newSortedSet(s);

已知字符串s='who',则执行语句 s[-1]='at' 后,s的值为:A.'what'B.'wha'C.'whoat'D.报错,且s的值不变

4、已知字符串s='who',则执行语句 s[-1]='at' 后,s的值为:A.'what'B.'wha'C.'whoat'D.报错,且s的值不变