If the superheat value of a thermostatic expansion valve is set too low, the _.A.the suction line will be abnormally cold and liquid may slug back to the compressorB.the suction line will be hot due to a reduced amount of refrigerant returning to the compressorC.the temperature of the refrigerant within the condenser will remain the sameD.the temperature of the refrigerant passing through the sub-cooler will decrease

If the superheat value of a thermostatic expansion valve is set too low, the _.

A.the suction line will be abnormally cold and liquid may slug back to the compressor

B.the suction line will be hot due to a reduced amount of refrigerant returning to the compressor

C.the temperature of the refrigerant within the condenser will remain the same

D.the temperature of the refrigerant passing through the sub-cooler will decrease


a back of infirmity:(). A.confirmationB. disablityC. soundnessD.expansion

下列程序的运行结果是【 】。 include class SomeClass { public: SomeClass(int va 下列程序的运行结果是【 】。include <iostream. h>class SomeClass{public:SomeClass(int value) { some_value=value;};void show_data(void) { cout<<data<<"<<~some_value<<endl; };static void set_data(int value) {data=value; }private:static int data;int some_value};int SomeClass::datavoid main(void){SomeClass my_class(1001),your_class(2002);your_class. set_data(4004);my_elass. show_data()}

When setting arguments for a job, which procedure do you use for types that cannot be implicitly converted to and from a VARCHAR2 datatype?() A. SET_JOB_ARGUMENT_VALUEB. SET_JOB_VALUE_ANYDATAC. SET_JOB_ANYDATA_VALUED. SET_SPECIAL_JOB_VALUEE. SET_JOB_ANYTYPE_VALUE

在窗体上画两个单选按钮(名称分别为Option1、Option2,标题分别为“宋体”和“黑体”)、1个复选框(名称为Check1,标题为“粗体”)和1个文本框(名称为Text1,Text属性为“改变文字字体”),窗体外观如下图所示。程序运行后,要求“宋体”单选钮和“粗体”复选框被选中,则下列能够实现上述操作的语句序列是( )。A.Option1.Valve=False Checkl.Vaim=TrueB.Option1.Value=True Check1.Value=0C.Olption2.Value=False Check1.Value=2D.Option1.Value=True Check1.Value=1


The sum of the sensible heat and the latent heat of any substance is known as ______.A.total heatB.residual heatC.specific heatD.superheat

关于属性的使用正确的是A.private int num; public string Num { get{return num;} set{num=value;} }B.private int num; public int Num { get{return num;} set{num=value;} }C.private int num; public int Num { get{num=value;} set{return num;} }D.private int num; private int Num { get{return num;} set{num=value;} }

接上题,为了比较设置的闹钟时间与闹钟当前时间是否相等,编写了一个8位比较器: module _8bitcomparator(equ,a,b); input [7:0] a,b; output equ; assign equ=(a==b); endmodule 需要下面()选项的代码才能实现闹钟设置时间和当前时间是否相等的判断。A.wire hour_equ,min_equ; wire time_equ; _8bitcomparator u3(hour_equ,set_hour_value, Hour ); _8bitcomparator u4(min_equ ,set_min_value , Minute); assign time_equ=(hour_equ  min_equ);#B.wire hour_equ,min_equ; wire time_equ; _8bitcomparator u3(Hour,set_hour_value, hour_equ ); _8bitcomparator u4(Minute ,set_min_value ,min_equ ); assign time_equ=(hour_equ  min_equ);#C.wire hour_equ,min_equ; wire time_equ; _8bitcompa

【单选题】看下面的代码,说法正确的是() <bean id="userTable" class="com.xfaccp.bean.UserTable"> <property name="userName"> <value>ACCP</value> </property> </bean>A.A)其中<property name="userName">的userName是UserTable中的属性,可以不要get、set方法。B.B)其中<property name="userName">的userName是UserTable中的属性,可以不要get方法,但是一定要有set方法C.C)其中<property name="userName">的userName是UserTable中的属性,可以不要set方法,但是一定要有get方法D.D)其中<property name="userName">的userName是UserTable中的属性,一定要有get和set方法

6、关于属性的使用正确的是A.private int num; public string Num { get{return num;} set{num=value;} }B.private int num; public int Num { get{return num;} set{num=value;} }C.private int num; public int Num { get{num=value;} set{return num;} }D.private int num; private int Num { get{return num;} set{num=value;} }