which order is an equivalent to “let go stern line”?
which order is an equivalent to “let go stern line”?
Which statement accomplish this? () A. CREATE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER (10), customer_id NUMBER (8), order_status VARCHAR2 (10), date_ordered DATE = SYSDATE);B. CREATE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER (10), customer_id NUMBER (8), order_status VARCHAR2 (10), date_ordered DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE);C. CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER (10), customer_id NUMBER (8), order_status VARCHAR2 (10), date_ordered DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE);D. CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER (10), customer_id NUMBER (8), order_status NUMBER (10), date_ordered DATE = SYSDATE);E. CREATE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER (10), customer_id NUMBER (8), order_status NUMBER (10), date_ordered DATE = SYSDATE);F. CREATE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER (10), customer_id NUMBER (8), order_status NUMBER (10), date_ordered DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE);
Evaluate the following statements:What are the two consequences of the above statements?() A. Partitions of PURCHASE_ORDER_ITEMS have system-generated names.B. Both PURCHASE_ORDERS and PURCHASE_ORDER_ITEMS tables are created with four partitions each.C. Partitions of the PURCHASE_ORDER_ITEMS table exist in the same tablespaces as the partitions of the PURCHASE_ORDERS table.D. The PURCHASE_ORDER_ITEMS table inherits the partitioning key from the parent table by automatically duplicating the key columns.E. Partition maintenance operations performed on the PURCHASE_ORDER_ITEMS table are automatically reflected in the PURCHASE_ORDERS table.
The ORDERS table has these columns:ORDER_ID NUMBER(4) NOT NULLCUSTOMER_ID NUMBER(12) NOT NULLORDER_TOTAL NUMBER(10,2)The ORDERS table tracks the Order number, the order total, and the customer to whom the Order belongs.Which two statements retrieve orders with an inclusive total that ranges between 100.00 and 2000.00 dollars? ()A. SELECT customer_id, order_id, order_total FROM orders RANGE ON order _ total (100 AND 2000) INCLUSIVE;B. SELECT customer_id, order_id, order_total FROM orders HAVING order _ total BETWEEN 100 and 2000;C. SELECT customer_id, order_id, order_total FROM orders WHERE order _ total BETWEEN 100 and 2000;D. SELECT customer_id, order_id, order_total FROM orders WHERE order_total= 100 and = 2000;E. SELECT customer_id, order_id, order_total FROM orders WHERE order_total= 100 and order_total = 2000;
Whichtwodesignconcernsmustbeaddressedwhendesigningamulticastimplementation?() A.onlythelow-order23bitsoftheMACaddressareusedtomapIPaddressesB.onlythelow-order24bitsoftheMACaddressareusedtomapIPaddressesC.onlythehigh-order23bitsoftheMACaddressareusedtomapIPaddressesD.onlythelow-order23bitsoftheIPaddressareusedtomapMACaddressesE.the0x01004fMACaddressprefixisusedformappingIPaddressestoMACaddressesF.the0x01005eMACaddressprefixisusedformappingIPaddressestoMACaddresses
Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?A. termB. serveC. veryD. stern
The relative pronoun "which" in the last paragraph (Line 6) refers to ( ).A.expertsB.periodsC.theoriesD.issues
在本节中,测试类里创建了Person类的对象p,使用该对象调用order()方法正确的是()。A.p.order(new Car());B.p.order(new Truck());C.p.order(Car myCar);D.p.order(Truck myTruck);
在stern双电层模型中,通常情况,z 电势略低于Stern电势φδ。