An additive used to improve the ability of a lube oil to reduce friction is known as a/anA.suppressant additiveB.dispersant additiveC.extreme pressure additiveD.viscosity improver additive

An additive used to improve the ability of a lube oil to reduce friction is known as a/an

A.suppressant additive

B.dispersant additive

C.extreme pressure additive

D.viscosity improver additive


The organization performed an important _____ in protecting the rights of children. A.functionB.fictionC.fractionD.friction

\[A\] power\[B\] authority\[C\] ability\[D\] right


She made a great ___ to get the work done on time. A.lengthB.forceC.effortD.ability

If the Shipowner relies on an excepted peril, he must ________ that the loss or damage was caused thereby.A.proveB.approveC.disproveD.improve

The teacher divided the students into small terms ofB.regardless ofC.due toD.according to

He tried his best to remedy the terrible situation.A:provide B:protect C:change D:improve

A great deal has been done to remedy the situation.A:maintain B:assess C:protect D:improve

8、HarmonyOS中Ability的类型为: 。
