7 .string = null 和string = “”的区别

7 .string = null 和string = “”的区别


You are consuming a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service in an ASP. NET Web application.The service interface is defined as follows:[ServiceContract]public interface ICatalog{ [OperationContract] [WebGet(UriTemplate="/Catalog/Items/{id}", ResponseFormat=WebMessageFormat.Json)] string RetrieveItemDescription(int id); } The service is hosted at Catalogsvc.You need to call the service using jQuery to retrieve the description of an item as indicated by a variable named itemId. Which code segment should you use?()A. $get(String.format(/Catalogsvc/Catalog/Items/id{0}, itemId) null, function (data) { ... }, javascript);B. $get(String.format(/Catalogsvc/Catalog/Items/{0}, itemId), null, function (data) { ... }, json);C. $get(String.format(/Catalogsvc/Catalog/Items/{0}, itemld), null, function (data) { ... }, xml);D. $get(String.format(/Catalogsvc/Catalog/Items/id{0}, itemld), null, function (data) { ... }, json);

String 和StringBuffer的区别

已知类 String 的原型为class string{public:string(const char *str=null);//普通构造函数string(const string other);//拷贝构造函数---string(void);string operate=(const string other);//赋值函数private:char * m-data;//用于保存字符串};请编写 string 的上述4 个函数

编写类 String 的构造函数、析构函数和赋值函数已知类 String的原型为:class String{public:String(const char *str = NULL); // 普通构造函数String(const String other); // 拷贝构造函数~ String(void); // 析构函数String perate =(const String other); // 赋值函数private:char *m_data; // 用于保存字符串};请编写 String的上述 4 个函数。


4、下面哪个是对字符串String的正确定义 ()A.String s1=null;B.String s2=’null’ ;C.String s3=(String) ‘abc’ ;D.String s4=(String) ‘\uface’;

下面哪个是对字符串String的正确定义()A.String s1=null;B.String s2='null';C.String s3=(String)'abc';D.String s4=(String)'uface';

下面哪个是对字符串String的正确定义()A.String s2='null';B.String s3=(String)'abc';C.String s1=null;D.String s4=(String)'uface';

下面哪个是对字符串String的正确定义 ()A.String s1=null;B.String s2=’null’ ;C.String s3=(String) ‘abc’ ;D.String s4=(String) ‘uface’;