Make a function to print an HTML table of r rows and c cols; fill the cells with up to n consecutivenumbers (if n is greater than the produce of r and c, discard the rest). Ensure that all rows have thesame number of columns.
Make a function to print an HTML table of r rows and c cols; fill the cells with up to n consecutive
numbers (if n is greater than the produce of r and c, discard the rest). Ensure that all rows have the
same number of columns.
从以下备选答案内为程序中(3)~(7)处空缺选择正确答案。(3)A.request B.response C.application D.session(4) C.notrs.eof D.notrs.bof(5)A.i+1 D.i(6)A.<table name="message" cols="40" rows="5" id="message"></table> B.<textarea name="message" cols="40" rows="5" id="message"></textarea> C.<input name="message" cols="40"rows="5" id="message"></input> D.<IMG nClick=over(this)title=放大name="message"cols="40"rows="5"id="message"></IMG nClick=over(this)title=放大>(7)A.submit B.text
GridLayout的构造方法GridLayout(int rows,int cols,int hgap,int vgap)中,参数rows代表(),cols代表(),hgap和vgap规定()和()方向的间隙
若要产生一个4行30列的多行文本框,以下方法中正确的是()。A.<input type="text" rows="4" cols="30" name="txtintrol">B.<textarea rows="4" cols="30" name="txtintrol">C.<textarea rows="4" cols="30" name="txtintrol"></ textarea >D.<textarea rows="30" cols="4" name="txtintrol"></ textarea >
若要产生一个4行30列的多行文本域,以下方法中,正确的是A.<Input type=”text” Rows=”4” Cols=”30” Name=”txtintrol”>B.<TextArea Rows=”4” Cols=”30” Name=”txtintro”>C.<TextArea Rows=”4” Cols=”30” Name=”txtintro”></TextArea>D.<TextArea Rows=”30” Cols=”4” Name=” txtintro”></TextArea>
#定义函数求圆的面积 radius = 5 ######FILL###### def get_area(___): area = 3.14 * r * r ######FILL###### ____ circle_area = get_area(radius) print('圆的面积是:', circle_area)
【单选题】若要产生一个4行30列的多行文本域,以下方法中,正确的是()A.<Input type=”text”Rows=”4”Cols=”30”Name=”txtintrol”>B.<TextArea Rows="4”Cols="30”Name=”txtintro”>C.<Text Area Rows="4”Cols="30”Name=”txtintro”></TextArea>D.<TextArea Rows=30”Cols="4”Name=”txtintro”></TextArea>