客户端如何访问.Net 组件实现 Web Service?

客户端如何访问.Net 组件实现 Web Service?


不属于OLE DB的3种数据访问组件之一的是()。A、Data ProvidersB、Data ConsumersC、Service ProvidersD、Service Components

视频直播服务提供哪些访问方式:() A、电脑客户端B、APIC、APPD、Web页面

VS.net 中支持 web.control有哪几个,分页的原理是什么?优缺点又是什么?如果不依赖web control 数据量大时如何实现分页?

dot net 组件如何与 JavaScript. 脚本交互;dot net 组件如何调用JavaScript. 函数;JavaScript. 如何调用 dot net 公共属性和事件?


●有关.NET框架的描述,(23)是错误的。(23)A.Visual Studio.NET是.NET平台的开发工具B..NET是ASP. NET的一个应用实例,是ASP. NET的一部分C..NET框架兼容了COM/DCOM基础结构D.通过Web Service技术可以实现.NET与J2EE的互操作

IPSecVPN不需要软件客户端支撑,支持公共Internet站点接入,并能够实现Web或非Web类企业应用访问。 A.错误B.正确



简述调用Web Service设计ASP.NET应用程序的基本步骤?


You work as a Web Developer at Certkiller.com. You are in the process of creating a Webapplication using Microsoft ASP.NET 3.5.  This application will be part of a solution that contains a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service project. The Web application will be used to make calls to a service identified in theWCF service project. Management is planning to host the Web application on a separate serverfrom the WCF service. They want the WCF service to perform remotely. You need to add areference to the WCF service.  What should you do?()A、You should add an assembly reference to the project.B、You should add a project reference to the project.C、You should add a Web reference to the project.D、You should add a service reference to the project.


讲一讲你理解的web service,在dot net framework中,怎么很好的结合xml?

以下哪些是J2EE的客户端组件?()A、Java BeanB、客户端应用程序C、APPLETD、Web浏览器

()是一组支持高级WebService标准的NET类,这些标准包括WS-Security、WS-Policy、WS-Reliable Messaging和WS-Attachments等。A、visual studio for officeB、web service extensionsC、NET Compact FrameworkD、ASP.NET

You are planning to migrate an existing web application to Windows Azure.  The application consists of an ASP.NET web application and a set of native Win32 Windows Services that provide data to the application by using named pipes. The Windows Services cannot be modified.  You need to recommend a strategy for migrating the application to Windows Azure.  What should you recommend?()A、 Define a Windows CommunicationFoundation (WCF) contract for the services.B、 Deploy each Windows Service to a separate worker role.  Deploy the ASP.NET application to a web role.C、 Deploy the application and Windows Services in a Windows Azure VM role.D、 Upload service binaries to a web role by using the Windows Azure Service Management API.

You manage a server that runs Windows Server 2008. The server has the Web Server (IIS) role installed. The Web developer at your company creates a new Web site that runs an ASP.NET 3.0 Web application.  The ASP.NET Web application must run under a security context that is separate from any other ASP.NET application on the Web server.  You create a local user account and grant account rights and permissions to run the ASP.NET Web application.  You need to configure authentication for the new Web site to support the Web application. What should you do?()A、Configure the Windows Authentication setting to Enabled.B、Configure the Forms Authentication setting to Enabled by using all the default settings.C、Configure the ASP.NET State service to log on to the new local user account by using the Services console.D、Configure the ASP.NET Impersonation setting to Enabled. Edit the ASP.NET Impersonation setting by specifying the new local user account.

You are creating an ASP.NET web application that hosts several Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) services. The services have ASP.NET Compatibility Mode enabled. Users authenticate with the Web application by using a cookie-based ASP.NET Forms Authentication model. You add a service file named Authentication.svc that contains the following code segment: %@ ServiceHost Service="System.Web.ApplicationServices.AuthenticationService" Factory="System.Web.ApplicationServices.ApplicationServicesHostFactory" % You need to ensure that users can access the WCF services without having to re-authenticate. Which two configuration settings should you add? (Each is part of a complete solution. Choose two.)()A、In the system web. Extensions scripting/webServices/authenticationService element, set the enabled attribute to true.B、In the system web. Extensions scripting/webServices/profileService element, set the enabled attribute to true.C、Add a service endpoint with basicHttpBinding for the contract System.Web.ApplicationServices.AuthenticationService.D、Add a custom service behavior named AuthenticationService Type Behaviors with a service AuthenticationManager element that has service AuthenticationManagerType set to System.Web.Security.SQL Membership Provider

你需要为客户信息设计一个访问控制方案。你的方案必须符合安全的要求。你应该怎么做?()A、配置Web站点要求SSL连接。配置Web站点要求客户端证书。在Web站点启用并配置客户端证书映射B、配置Web站点要求SSL连接。禁用匿名访问Web站点。分配只读权限给客户的用户帐户访问包含Web站点文件的文件夹C、配置Web站点只用Microsoft.NET通行证验证。指定den.corp.woodgrovebank.com域为默认的.NET通行证验证的域。在Web服务器上配置一个自定义的本地IPSec策略要求IPSec通信D、配置Web站点只用Windows Integrated authentication(Windows集成验证),在Web服务器上配置一个自定义的本地IPSec策略要求IPSec通信.配置IPSec策略用基于证书验证和加密

问答题简述调用Web Service设计ASP.NET应用程序的基本步骤?


多选题You are creating an ASP.NET web application that hosts several Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) services. The services have ASP.NET Compatibility Mode enabled. Users authenticate with the Web application by using a cookie-based ASP.NET Forms Authentication model. You add a service file named Authentication.svc that contains the following code segment: You need to ensure that users can access the WCF services without having to re-authenticate. Which two configuration settings should you add? (Each is part of a complete solution. Choose two.)()AIn the system web. Extensions scripting/webServices/authenticationService element, set the enabled attribute to true.BIn the system web. Extensions scripting/webServices/profileService element, set the enabled attribute to true.CAdd a service endpoint with basicHttpBinding for the contract System.Web.ApplicationServices.AuthenticationService.DAdd a custom service behavior named AuthenticationService Type Behaviors with a service AuthenticationManager element that has service AuthenticationManagerType set to System.Web.Security.SQL Membership Provider


单选题You are planning to migrate an existing web application to Windows Azure.  The application consists of an ASP.NET web application and a set of native Win32 Windows Services that provide data to the application by using named pipes. The Windows Services cannot be modified.  You need to recommend a strategy for migrating the application to Windows Azure.  What should you recommend?()A Define a Windows CommunicationFoundation (WCF) contract for the services.B Deploy each Windows Service to a separate worker role.  Deploy the ASP.NET application to a web role.C Deploy the application and Windows Services in a Windows Azure VM role.D Upload service binaries to a web role by using the Windows Azure Service Management API.

单选题你为一家公司创建了一个ASP.NET的应用程序。公司配置了一个XMLWeb服务来返回百科全书的文章清单以及需要请求的关键字。你需要创建一个类来调用XMLWeb服务。你该怎么做?()A在Visual Studio .NET的Project菜单上选择Add Web Service,并浏览XML Web serviceB在Visual Studio .NET的Project菜单上选择Add Reference,并浏览XML Web servicC在Visual Studio .NET的Project菜单上选择Add Web Reference,并浏览XML WebservicD运行Tlbimp.exe,为XML Web service提供他的URLE运行Disco.exe,为XML Web service提供他的URL

问答题讲一讲你理解的web service,在dot net framework中,怎么很好的结合xml?