The length of the IPv6 address is (72)A.64 bytesB.128 bytesC.64bitsSX The length of the IPv6 address is (72)A.64 bytesB.128 bytesC.64bitsD.128bits

The length of the IPv6 address is (72)A.64 bytesB.128 bytesC.64bitsSX

The length of the IPv6 address is (72)

A.64 bytes

B.128 bytes




二级动火作业的《动火安全作业证》有效期不超过( )小时。 A.64小时B.70小时C.72小时D.76小时

现在我们使用IP的版本为IPv4,其地址位数为32位,新版本的IPv6已经研发成功并处于推广阶段,IPv6的地址位数为() A.64位B.128位C.256位D.512位

Which two functions can be configured on the ERX Edge Router to support MBGP? ()(Choose two.) A. address-family ipv4 unicastB. address-family vpnv4 unicastC. address-family ipv4 multicastD. address-family vpnv4 multicast

Which command can you use to manually assign a static IPV6 address to a router interface?() A. ipv6 address PREFIX_1::1/64B. ipv6 autoconfig 2001:db8:2222:7272::72/64C. ipv6 autoconfigD. ipv6 address 2001:db8:2222:7272::72/64

Wich command can you use to manually assign a static IPV6 address to a router interface?() A.ipv6 address PREFIX_1::1/64B.ipv6 autoconfig 2001:db8:2222:7272::72/64C.ipv6 autoconfigD.ipv6 address 2001:db8:2222:7272::72/64

One of the difficulties in building an SQL,like query language for the Web is the absence of a database(71) for this huge, heterogeneous repository of information. However, if we are interested in HTML documents only, we can construct a virtual schema from the implicit structure of these files. Thus, at the highest level of(72) , every such document is identified by its Uniform. Resource Locator(URL), has a(73) and a text. Also, Web servers provide some additional information such as the type, length, and the last modification date of a document. So, for data mining purposes, we can consider the set of all HTML documents as a relation:Document(url, title, text, type, length, modif)Where all the(74) are character strings. In this framework, an individual document is identified with a(75) in this relation. Of course, if some optional information is missing from the HTML document, the associate fields will be left blank, but this is not uncommon in any database.A.schemaB.platformC.moduleD.relation

Teredo 隧道机制下位于 IPv4私有网络上IPv6 主机的 IPv6 网址包含下列哪些信息A.IPv6 主机的私有 IPv4 网址 (private IPv4 address)B.连接 IPv6 主机的 NAT 的公有 IPv4 网址 (public IPv4 address)C.IPv6 主机的 UDP port numberD.2001:0000/32 prefix

下列哪些IPv6 网址是所谓的 ”IPv4 相容IPv6 网址” (IPv4 compatible IPv6 address) ?A.fe80::

Teredo 机制下位于 IPv4私有网絡上IPv6 主机的 IPv6 网址包含下列哪些资讯 ? (复选)A.连接 IPv6 主机的 NAT 的公有 IPv4 网址 (public IPv4 address)B.IPv6 主机的私有 IPv4 网址 (private IPv4 address)C.IPv6 主机的 TCP port numberD.IPv6 主机的 UDP port number

假設 IPv6 主機擬送出一個 IPv6 封包尋找所有連接的 neighbors, 此封包的 destination address = FF02::1. 在 6over4 的機制下假設此封包被送進 IPv4 網路中的 destination IPv4 address = ?.?.?.?