Which JUNOS software operational-mode command displays the status of a Martini VPN?() A. show ldp neighborB. show martini connectionsC. show l2circuit connectionsD. show l2vpn connections

Which JUNOS software operational-mode command displays the status of a Martini VPN?()

A. show ldp neighbor

B. show martini connections

C. show l2circuit connections

D. show l2vpn connections


在跨域()方式中,需要跨域的VPN在ASBR间通过专用的接口管理自己的VPN路由。 A.VPN-OptionAB.VPN-OptionBC.VPN-OptionCD.VPN-OptionD

______________[A] predicts[B] displays[C] proves[D] discovers

助Martini的调制方法是( )。A.ShakeB.StirC.BulildD.Blander


Which zone is system-defined?() A.securityB.functionalC.junos-globalD.management

Which security or functional zone name has special significance to the Junos OS?() A. selfB. trustC. untrustD. junos-global

What are three examples of a provider-provisioned VPN supported by JUNOS software? () A. L2FB. PPTPC. Circuit cross-connectD. Draft-Martini-based VPNsE. Draft-Kompella-based VPNs

下列关于SQL Server 2008游标中@@FETCH_STATUS的说法,正确的是( )。 A.每当对游标执行一次FETCH语句,系统都会自动对@@FETCH_STATUS赋一次值B.用户可以对@@FETCH_STATUS变量进行赋值C.用户可以在游标中声明@@FETCH_STATUS变量D.每个游标都有一个专属于自己的@@FETCH_STATUS变量

若字符串s=“software”,则其子串个数为: If the string s = "software", then the number of its sub-string is:

下面哪个是GOOGLE推荐的书写规则?A..error_status {}B..test { display: block; height: 100px }C..error-status {}D..TEST