What is the use of MSDP across multiple PIM domains?() A. It scopes multicast traffic.B. It prevents multicast routing loops.C. It advertises active multicast sources.D. It advertises RPs to all downstream routers.

What is the use of MSDP across multiple PIM domains?()

A. It scopes multicast traffic.

B. It prevents multicast routing loops.

C. It advertises active multicast sources.

D. It advertises RPs to all downstream routers.


__________[A] outside [B] on [C] by [D] across

PIM DM中,嫁接(Graft)消息是由() A.主播接受者发给PIM路由器的B.PIM路由器发给PIM路由器的C.PIM路由器发给RP的D.PIM路由器发给组播源

When IP multicast is enabled via PIM, which mode uses the flood and prune metho d? Select the best response.() A. PIM sparse - denseB. Bidir - PIMC. PIM - RPD. PIM - DME. PIM - SM

When building an IP multicast domain using PIM which mode assumes that other routers do not want to forward multicast packets for the group?() A. PIM - DMB. PIM - SMC. PIM - RPD. CGMPE. IGMP snooping

WhatisthebenefitofusingAnycastRPviaRFC4610forIPmulticastRPredundancy?() A.ImprovesconvergenceofthemulticastnetworkduetoenhancedRPFchecksB.SimplifiesthenumberofcontrolplaneprotocolsoverotherRPredundancymethodsC.EliminatestheuseofProtocolIndependentMulticast(PIM)inthetopologyD.IncreasestheadministrativedistancesinMulticastSourceDiscoveryProtocol(MSDP)configuration

WhichtypeofdomainsisinterconnectedusingMulticastSourceDiscoveryProtocol?() A.PIM-SMB.PIM-DMC.PIM-SSMD.DVMRP


关于PIM-DM和PIN-SM两种PIM工作模式描述正确的是() A.PIM-SM一定需要RPB.PIM-DM是采用“拉”的工作模式工作的C.PIM-SM是采用“推”的工作模式工作的D.PIM-DM适合大型的组播网络结构

系统帐户信息保存在注册表中的位置是()。 A.HCU\SAM\SAM\Domains\Account\Users\NamesB.HCR\SAM\SAM\Domains\Account\Users\NamesC.HLM\SAM\SAM\Domains\Account\Users\NamesD.HCR\SAM\Domains\Account\Users\Names

A. sameB. different C. singleD. multiple