Not that John doesn't want to help you, _____ it's NotthatJohndoesntwanttohelpyou,_____itsbeyondhispower.(A)butthat(B)forthat(C)andthat(D)inthat

Not that John doesn't want to help you, _____ it's

Not that John doesn't want to help you, _____ it's beyond his power.

(A) but that (B) for that (C) and that (D) in that





---- I’m sorry I can’t help you----- ___________.A. Not at all. B. It doesn’t matterC. Thank you all the same D. I’m sorry to hear that

–Can Mr. Brown see me today?–() A、Sorry, he's out.B、He doesn't want to see you.C、Why don't you come earlier?D、No, he can't.

() is a well-informed man. He can tell you anything you want to know. A.This John’s old friendB.This old friend of JohnC.That’s Jahn’s old friendD.This old friend of John’s

John : Would you like to go out to dinner or to a movie?Karen: Either one, __________I just want to get out of the house.A. it's a great idea.B. it's up to you.C. if you like it.D. if you wish.

Simon: I hope you'll pardon me for saying the wrong words. I just couldn't help.Gary: ______. It doesn't really matter.A. I think so.B. With pleasure.C. Please take it easy.D. Yes, but why?E. Sure you can.F. It's very kind of you!G. Never mind.H. Not too bad.

---Do you want a lift home?---It’s very kind of you, but I have a much late in the office. I overslept this morning because my morning clock _______.A. doesn’t go offB. won’t goneC. wasn’t going offD. didn’t go on

Have you been in a situation()you can't help saying what you don't want to? A、whereB、whichC、asD、that

-- Could you change these pounds for dollars, please? A、It doesn’t matter.B、Do you want small bills or large?C、That’s OK.D、Hold on, please.

— Do you think I could borrow your calculator? —() A、Yes, help yourself.B、It doesn’t matter.C、Yes, you may borrow.D、Yes, go on.

Woman: Thank you very much for your help.Man: ________.A: No thanksB: Not at allC: It doesn ’t matterD: Never mind

–Would you like to go to the bookstore with me?–______ I also want to buy an English dictionary.A: That ’s true.B: It ’s a good idea.C: It doesn ’t matter.D: No, thank you.

Molly doesn't eat fish. ______.A、So doesn't John.B、Neither does John.C、John doesn't too.D、John doesn't either.

Shop assistant: May I help you, sir?Customer:________.A、Mind your own businessB、Sorry.I don't need your help,thank youC、I'm just looking.Thanks.D、If you want to help me,I'll be glad to accept it


___________________A. Could you please help me?B. How much is it?C. That’s too expensive.D. What color do you want?E. Here is the money.F. How do you like this T-shirt?G. What size would you like?

Not that John doesn′t want to help you,______ it′ s beyond his power.A.but that B.for thatC.and that that

Do you feel like going jogging with me?()AI want to.BIt doesn't matter.CLet's enjoy it.DI'd love to.

What can I do for you, madam?()A、Thank you.B、You can't help me.C、I want to buy a camera.D、I'm glad to hear that

Do you feel like going jogging with me?()A、I want to.B、It doesn't matter.C、Let's enjoy it.D、I'd love to.

单选题A: Excuse me, Mr. Black, can you spare me a few minutes? There’s something I’d like to speak to you about. I won’t keep you long.  B: ______AWhat do you want to talk with?BYes, go ahead.CWhat’s the matter?DOh, nice to see you, John.

单选题Not that John doesn't want to help you,____ it's beyond his power.Abut thatB.for thatC.and thatBin that

单选题She doesn’t want to listen to you now; she has something urgent to _____.Atalk withBlaugh atCcope withDwarm up

单选题John: I want to go to Chicago. When is the next train, please?  Booking clerk: In fifteen minutes.  John: How much is the fare?  Clerk: You want to buy a single fare or a round trip ticket?  John: ______  Clerk: A round trip ticket saves you about 10% of the fare.AWill it take me straight there?BHow much is it?CWhat’s the difference?DWhat is the fare?

单选题—You look unhappy, John. ______?—Well, I found my mother looking through my mobile phone yesterday.AYou want to restBWhat’s wrongCHow do you do

单选题Stan: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving my little girl'slife.  John: ______.  Start: I can't tell you how much I appreciate what you've done.  John: I'm just happy I could help.AThere's nothing to be afraid of.BThis is a wonderful day.CAnybody would have done the same.DI am glad to save her.

单选题Stan: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving my little girl’s life.  John: ________.  Stan: I can’t tell you how much I appreciate what you’ve done.  John: I’m just happy I could help.AThere’s nothing to be afraid of.BThis is a wonderful day.CAnybody would have done the same.DI am glad to save her.

单选题Do you feel like going jogging with me?()AI want to.BIt doesn't matter.CLet's enjoy it.DI'd love to.