Which two statements about Junos software packet handling are correct?()(Choose two.) A. The Junos OS applies service ALGs only for the first packet of a flow.B. The Junos OS uses fast-path processing only for the first packet of a flow.C. The Junos OS performs policy lookup only for the first packet of a flow.D. The Junos OS applies SCREEN options for both first and consecutive packets of a flow.

Which two statements about Junos software packet handling are correct?()(Choose two.)

A. The Junos OS applies service ALGs only for the first packet of a flow.

B. The Junos OS uses fast-path processing only for the first packet of a flow.

C. The Junos OS performs policy lookup only for the first packet of a flow.

D. The Junos OS applies SCREEN options for both first and consecutive packets of a flow.


以下程序段的输出结果为 ( )int j=2;switch(j){case 2:System.out.print("two.");case 2+1:System.out.println("three.");breakdefault:System.out.println("value is"+j);break;}A.two.three.B.two.C.three.D.value is 2

在数据封装中PDU的正确顺序是()。 A.data,packet,frame,segment,BitB.data,packet,segment,frame,BitC.data,segment,frame,packet,BitD.data,segment,packet,frame,Bit

Which zone is system-defined?() A.securityB.functionalC.junos-globalD.management

Which security or functional zone name has special significance to the Junos OS?() A. selfB. trustC. untrustD. junos-global

以下程序段的输出结果为( )。 int j=2 switch (j){ Case 2: system.out.print("two."): Case 2+1: System.out.println("three."); break: default: System.out.println (“value is”+j): Break }A.B.twoA.two.three.B.twoC.threeD.value is 2

A PC on a network segment sends data to another PC on a different segment.Which of the following correctly describe the correct order of how this data will be encapsulated?() A. Data, Frame, Packet, Segment, BitB. Data, Frame, Segment, Packet, BitC. Data, Packet, Frame, Segment, BitD. Data, Packet, Segment, Frame, BitE. Data, Segment, Frame, Packet, BitF. Data, Segment, Packet, Frame, Bit

WhichofthefollowingareassociatedwiththeapplicationlayeroftheOSImodel?(two.)() A.pingB.TelnetC.FTPD.TCPE.IP

About ________ of the workers in the factory were born in the ________.A.two-thirds, 1970 B.two-thirds, 1970s C.two-third,1970 D.two-third, 1970s

12. About_______ of the workers in the factory were born in the __________.A. two- thirds;1970B. two- thirds ; 1970sC. two-third ; 1970D. two-third ; 1970s

Many scientists have been probing psychological problems.A:solving B:exploring C:settling D:handling