Which two statements are true regarding the use of NTP clock synchronization?() A. The Junos OS supports client, server, and symmetric modes of NTP operation.B. Synchronized time on all network devices makes log messages more useful for troubleshooting.C. Authentication methods are not supported.D. The Junos OS must be used as the primary time reference.

Which two statements are true regarding the use of NTP clock synchronization?()

A. The Junos OS supports client, server, and symmetric modes of NTP operation.

B. Synchronized time on all network devices makes log messages more useful for troubleshooting.

C. Authentication methods are not supported.

D. The Junos OS must be used as the primary time reference.


在VHDL中,用语句_表示clock的下降沿 A.clock’EVENTB.clock’EVENT AND clock=’1’C.clock=’0’D.clock’EVENT AND clock=’0’

A spokesman said: ―We have no comment _______ the publication of these photographs.‖ (A) regarded(B) regard(C) regarding(D) to regard


[A] Like[B] Except[C] Regarding[D] With

下列复选框构造方法,错误的是 ( )A.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,1));B.add(new Checkbox("one",null,true));C.add(new Checkbox("two"));D.add(new Checkbox("one",true));


When a host transmits data across a network to another host, which process does the data go through?() A.standardizationB.conversionC.encapsulationD.synchronization

Import for the first three months this year is larger than that for the__________period last year.A.relatingB.concerningC.correspondingD.regarding

Decide on the correct stress pattern of the answer to the question: When shall we go to school?A.I think we should leave at seven o'clock.B.I think we should leave at seven o'clock.C.I think we should leave at seven o'clock.D.I think we should leave at seven o'clock.

在VHDL中,可以用语句()表示检测clock下降沿。A.clock’ eventB.clock’ event and clock=’1’C.clock=’0’D.clock’ event and clock=’0’