You issue the ping interface t1-1/1/0 bypass-routing count 1000 rapid command. Which statement is correct?() A. The count parameter creates a counter that you can view with the show firewall command.B. The count parameter allows the router to count the number of pings for logging purposes.C. The count parameter allows the router to pause for 1000 seconds before sending out a ping.D. The count parameter allows the router to send out 1000 pings and then stop.
You issue the ping interface t1-1/1/0 bypass-routing count 1000 rapid command. Which statement is correct?()
A. The count parameter creates a counter that you can view with the show firewall command.
B. The count parameter allows the router to count the number of pings for logging purposes.
C. The count parameter allows the router to pause for 1000 seconds before sending out a ping.
D. The count parameter allows the router to send out 1000 pings and then stop.
In the exhibit, what does the () symbol indicate?() A. There is a software issue with ge-1/0/1.0 interface.B. There is a hardware issue with ge-1/0/1.0 interface.C. The next hop of is selected.D. The next hop of is not resolvable.
Refertotheexhibit.WhichthreestatementsdescribethestepsthatarerequiredtoconfigureanIPsecsite-to-siteVPNusingaGREtunnel?() A.Thecommandaccess-list110permitgremustbeconfiguredtospecifywhichtrafficwillbeencrypted.B.Thecommandaccess-list110permitipmustbeconfiguredtospecifywhichhostscanusethetunnel.C.Thetunneldestination172.17.63.18commandmustbeconfiguredontheTunnel0interface.D.ThetunnelmodegrecommandmustbeconfiguredontheTunnel0interface.E.ThetunnelsourceEthernet1commandmustbeconfiguredontheTunnel0interface.F.ThetunnelsourceTunnel0commandmustbeconfiguredontheTunnel0interface.
You‘re the systems administrator at Testing, and you create the following access control lists.You then enter the command ip access-group 101 in to apply access control list 101 to router TK1s e0 interface.Which of the following Telnet sessions will be blocked as a result of your access lists?()A. Telnet sessions from host A to host Telnet sessions from host A to host Telnet sessions from host B to host Telnet sessions from host B to host Telnet sessions from host C to host Telnet sessions from host F to host
Asanetworkengineer,studytheexhibitcarefully.RouterNetisunabletoestablishanADSLconnectionwithitsprovider.Whichactionwouldcorrectthisproblem?() A.OntheDialer0interface,addthepppoeenablecommandB.OntheDialer0Interface,addtheipmtu1496commandC.OntheATM0/0interface,addthedialerpool-member1commandD.OntheATM0/0interface,addthedialerpool-member0command
BasedonthefollowingoutputinR1,whichstatementistrue?() A.Ifalabeledpacketarriveswiththetopmostlabelof17,itwillbereplacedwithlabel19andsentouton Ethernet0/0interface.B.Ifalabeledpacketarriveswiththetopmostlabelof19,itwillbereplacedwithlabel17andsentouton Ethernet0/0interface.C.Ifalabeledpacketarriveswiththetopmostlabelof17,allthelabelswillberemovedandaclearIP PacketissenttoNextHop192.168.0.14onEthernet0/0.D.Noneoftheabove.
Usetheoutputfromtheroutershowninthegraphicabovetodeterminewhichofthefollowingarecorrect.() A.Router John uses alink-state routing protocol.B.Router John will receive routing updates on the Serial0/0 interface.C.Router John will receive routing updates on the Serial0/1 interface.D.Router John will send routing updates out the Serial0/0 interface.E.Router John will send routing updates out the FastEthernet0/0 interface.F.Router John will send routing updates out the Serial0/1 interface.
以下对于列表的相关操作中哪些项有正确的输出结果?A.>>> language = list('PHP'); >>> language[1:] = 'ython'; >>> print(language) ['P', 'y', 't', 'h', 'o', 'n']#B.>>> print(list('Life is short, you need Python.').count('is')) 1#C.>>> x = [2, 3, 0, 4, 1] >>> x.sort() >>> print(x) [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]#D.>>> words = ['Life', 'is', 'short', 'you', 'need', 'Python'] >>> words.index('you') 4
下列代码的输出结果是__________。 num = 27 count = 0 while num > 0: if num % 2 == 0: num /= 2 elif num % 3 == 0: num /= 3 else: num -= 1 count += 1 print(count)
以下对于列表的相关操作中哪些项有正确的输出结果?A.>>> language = list('PHP'); >>> language[1:] = 'ython'; >>> print language ['P', 'y', 't', 'h', 'o', 'n']#B.>>> print list('Life is short, you need Python.').count('is') 1#C.>>> x = [2, 3, 0, 4, 1] >>> x.sort() >>> print x [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]#D.>>> words = ['Life', 'is', 'short', 'you', 'need', 'Python'] >>> words.index('you') 4