Which router translates the Type 7 LSAs into Type 5 LSAs, according to RFC 1587 (OSPF NSSAOption) in an OSPF NSSA with more than one ABR?() A. The router receiving the route translates the Type 7 LSA into a Type 5 LSA.B. The ABR with the lowest router ID translates all Type 7 LSAs into Type 5 LSAs.C. The ABR with the highest router ID translates all Type 7 LSAs into Type 5 LSAs.D. All ABRs translate the Type 7 LSAs into Type 5 LSAs depending on which one has the lowest cost to the route.
Which router translates the Type 7 LSAs into Type 5 LSAs, according to RFC 1587 (OSPF NSSAOption) in an OSPF NSSA with more than one ABR?()
A. The router receiving the route translates the Type 7 LSA into a Type 5 LSA.
B. The ABR with the lowest router ID translates all Type 7 LSAs into Type 5 LSAs.
C. The ABR with the highest router ID translates all Type 7 LSAs into Type 5 LSAs.
D. All ABRs translate the Type 7 LSAs into Type 5 LSAs depending on which one has the lowest cost to the route.
以下对于OSPF路由过滤描述正确的是()。 A.OSPF可以在区域边界处进行路由过滤。B.对于Type7类的路由,可以在NSSA的ASBR处过滤。C.NSSA在ABR处将Type7转成Type5时可以再一次进行路由过滤。D.OSPF在区域内只能使用逐台路由器过滤的方法。
WhichstatementbestdescribesOSPFexternalLSAs(type5)?() A.OSPFexternalLSAsareautomaticallyfloodedintoallOSPFareas,unliketype7LSAs,whichrequirethatredistributionbeconfigured.B.ExternalLSAs(type5)areautomaticallychangedtotype1LSAsatASBRs.C.Type5LSAsareroutesummariesdescribingroutestonetworksoutsidetheOSPFAutonomousSystem.D.ExternalnetworkLSAs(type5)redistributedfromotherroutingprotocolsintoOSPFarenotpermittedtofloodintoastubarea.
关于OSPF的路由聚合,描述正确的是()。 A.ABR上可以聚合OSPF路由B.ASBR上可以聚合OSPF-ASE路由C.OSPF-ASE路由可以在ABR上聚合,但是被聚合的区域必须是NSSA区域D.OSPF路由在任何一台运行OSPF的设备上都可以聚合