You are the audit manager of Chestnut Co and are reviewing the key issues identified in the files of two audit clients.Palm Industries Co (Palm)Palm’s year end was 31 March 2015 and the draft financial statements show revenue of $28·2 million, receivables of $5·6 million and profit before tax of $4·8 million. The fieldwork stage for this audit has been completed.A customer of Palm owed an amount of $350,000 at the year end. Testing of receivables in April highlighted that no amounts had been paid to Palm from this customer as they were disputing the quality of certain goods received from Palm. The finance director is confident the issue will be resolved and no allowance for receivables was made with regards to this balance.Ash Trading Co (Ash)Ash is a new client of Chestnut Co, its year end was 31 January 2015 and the firm was only appointed auditors in February 2015, as the previous auditors were suddenly unable to undertake the audit. The fieldwork stage for this audit is currently ongoing.The inventory count at Ash’s warehouse was undertaken on 31 January 2015 and was overseen by the company’s internal audit department. Neither Chestnut Co nor the previous auditors attended the count. Detailed inventory records were maintained but it was not possible to undertake another full inventory count subsequent to the year end.The draft financial statements show a profit before tax of $2·4 million, revenue of $10·1 million and inventory of $510,000.Required:For each of the two issues:(i) Discuss the issue, including an assessment of whether it is material;(ii) Recommend ONE procedure the audit team should undertake to try to resolve the issue; and(iii) Describe the impact on the audit report if the issue remains UNRESOLVED.Notes:1 The total marks will be split equally between each of the two issues.2 Audit report extracts are NOT required.

You are the audit manager of Chestnut & Co and are reviewing the key issues identified in the files of two audit clients.

Palm Industries Co (Palm)

Palm’s year end was 31 March 2015 and the draft financial statements show revenue of $28·2 million, receivables of $5·6 million and profit before tax of $4·8 million. The fieldwork stage for this audit has been completed.

A customer of Palm owed an amount of $350,000 at the year end. Testing of receivables in April highlighted that no amounts had been paid to Palm from this customer as they were disputing the quality of certain goods received from Palm. The finance director is confident the issue will be resolved and no allowance for receivables was made with regards to this balance.

Ash Trading Co (Ash)

Ash is a new client of Chestnut & Co, its year end was 31 January 2015 and the firm was only appointed auditors in February 2015, as the previous auditors were suddenly unable to undertake the audit. The fieldwork stage for this audit is currently ongoing.

The inventory count at Ash’s warehouse was undertaken on 31 January 2015 and was overseen by the company’s internal audit department. Neither Chestnut & Co nor the previous auditors attended the count. Detailed inventory records were maintained but it was not possible to undertake another full inventory count subsequent to the year end.

The draft financial statements show a profit before tax of $2·4 million, revenue of $10·1 million and inventory of $510,000.


For each of the two issues:

(i) Discuss the issue, including an assessment of whether it is material;

(ii) Recommend ONE procedure the audit team should undertake to try to resolve the issue; and

(iii) Describe the impact on the audit report if the issue remains UNRESOLVED.


1 The total marks will be split equally between each of the two issues.

2 Audit report extracts are NOT required.


The major difference between project and line management is that the project manager may not have any control over which basic management function?A . Decision-makingB . StaffingC . RewardingD . Tracking/monitoringE . Reviewing

78 The major difference between project and line management is that the project manager may not have any control over which basic management function?A. Decision-makingB. StaffingC. RewardingD. Tracking/monitoringE. Reviewing

160 The major difference between project and line management is that the project manager may not have any control over which basic management function?A. Decision-makingB. StaffingC. RewardingD. Tracking/monitoringE. Reviewing


考生文件夹下存在一个数据库文件8220;samp2.aecdb8221;,里面已经设计好三个关联表对象 考生文件夹下存在一个数据库文件&8220;samp2.aecdb&8221;,里面已经设计好三个关联表对象&8220;tCourse&8221;、&8220;tGrade&8221;、&8220;tStudent&8221;和一个空表&8220;tSinf0&8221;,同时还有两个窗体&8220;tStudent&8221;和&8220;tGrade子窗体&8221;,试按以下要求完成设计。 <br>(1)创建一个查询,查找年龄小于所有学生平均年龄的男学生,并显示其&8220;姓名&8221;,所建查询名为&8220;qTl&8221;。(2)创建一个查询,计算&8220;北京五中&8221;每名学生的总成绩和所占全部学生总成绩的百分比,并显示&8220;姓名&8221;、&8220;成绩合计&8221;和&8220;所占百分比&8221;,所建查询命名为&8220;qT2&8221;。 <br>注意:&8220;成绩合计&8221;和&8220;所占百分比&8221;为计算得到。 <br>要求:将计算出的&8220;所占百分比&8221;设置为百分比显示格式,小数位数为2。 <br>(3)创建一个查询,将所有学生的&8220;班级编号&8221;、&8220;学号&8221;、&8220;课程名&8221;和&8220;成绩&8221;等值填入&8220;tSinf0&8221;表相应字段 <br>中,其中&8220;班级编号&8221;值是&8220;tStudent&8221;表中&8220;学号&8221;字段的前6位,所建查询名为&8220;qT3&8221;。 <br>(4)窗体&8220;tStudent&8221;和&8220;tGrade子窗体&8221;中各有一个文本框控件,名称分别为&8220;tCountZ&8221;和&8220;tCount&8221;。对两1个文本框进行设置,能够在&8220;tCountZ&8221;文本框中显示出每名学生的所选课程数。 <br> 注意:不允许修改窗体对象&8220;tStudent&8221;和&8220;tGrade子窗体&8221;中未涉及的控件和属性。<br>




已知基类Employee只有一个构造函数,其定义如下: Employee::Employee(int n):id(n){ } Manager是Employee的派生类,则下列对Manager的构造函数的定义中,正确的是?A.Manager::Manager(int n):id(n){}B.Manager::Manager(int n){id=n;}C.Manager::Manager(int n):Employee(n){}D.Manager::Manager(int n){Employee(n);}