Meaning is a relatively stable element in a language compared with spelling.()

Meaning is a relatively stable element in a language compared with spelling.()


A good habit can make our mental health in with physical health. A.concernB.connectionC.compareD.tune

Michael’s new house is like a huge palace, with his old one.A. comparing B. comparesC. to compareD. compared

________ with flying, taking the train seems to be safer.A: ComparingB: ComparedC: CompareD: To compare


You can get the answer if you _______ the results to the cause. A. involveB. relateC. compareD. connect

Michael’s new house is like a huge palace, ______with his old one.A. comparing B. comparesC. to compare D. compared

Abundant rice harvests are common on Bali.A:Steady B:PlentifulC:Extra D:Stable

Market research shows that few consumers actually__________ prices before selecting their groceries in the store.A.renewB.submitC.compareD.collect

There is an abundant supply of salt in the market.A: steadyB: plentifulC: extraD: stable

(单选)已知一个顺序存储的循环队列Q定义如下: #define MAXSIZE 50 typedef struct { QueueElementType element[MAXSIZE]; int front; //队头指示器 int rear; //队尾指示器 }SeqQueue; 则该非空队列取队头元素操作的语句是() A. Q->element[0]; B. Q->element[1]; C. Q->element[Q->front]; D. Q->element[Q->rear];