用内径百分表测量时,当表针按顺时针方向旋转而未达到“零”点时的读数是负值。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。




用内径百分表测量工件内孔时,百分表的轴向()径向最大读数为内径的实际尺寸。 A、最少B、平均C、最大

检测柴油机连杆大头端盖与大头接合面时,当端盖与连杆大头用螺栓紧固后、用内径百分表按与连杆杆身轴线呈()的方向上,测量两个相互垂直的直径尺寸。 A、30°B、45°C、60°D、75°

采用贝克曼梁法检测路面弯沉时,测试步骤正确的是( )。A.在测试路段布置测点,测点应在路面行车车道的轮迹带上,并用白油漆或粉笔划上标记B.将试验车后轮轮隙对准测点前3-5cm处的位置上C.将弯沉仪插入汽车后轮之间的缝隙处,安装百分表并调零D.测定者吹哨发令指挥汽车缓缓前进,当表针转动到最大值时,迅速读取初读数L1。汽车仍在继续前进,待汽车驶出弯沉影响半径(3m以上)后停车。待表针回转稳定后读取终读数L2

下列哪种情况引起的误差属于随机误差( )。A:测量人的身高时,测量结果的起伏B:测量人体体重时,空载称没有归零C:收敛仪零点读数不为零又未修正D:地轴罗盘指针偏角的影响

测量葡萄糖溶液旋光度时,零点校正是指: When measuring the optical rotation of glucose solution, zero correction refers toA.旋光计测量室放入蒸馏水试管,找出弱照度的均匀视场(零度视场),记下此时刻度盘的左右读数平均值,即零点校正值 Put tube contained distilled water into the polarimeter measuring chamber, find out the uniform field of view (zero degree field of view) with weak illumination, and record the average reading values from the left and right dial at this time, that is, the zero correction value#B.旋光计测量室不放任何试管,找出弱照度的均匀暗视场,记下此时刻度盘的左右读数平均值,即零点校正值。 Without any test tube in the polarimeter measuring chambe

1、关于零点读数,以下说法正确的是: For zero readings, what is the correct statement of the following options?A.零点读数的位置是固定的 The position of the zero reading is fixed###SXB###B.在每次测量的过程中,零点读数的位置可以移动 During each measurement, the position of the zero reading can be moved###SXB###C.零点读数的位置可以根据测量情况调整,其位置可以改变 The position of zero point reading can be adjusted according to the measurement situation, and its position can be changed###SXB###D.不挂金属框测量弹簧的倔强系数时的零点读数,与挂上金属框测量表面张力时的零点读数是一样的。 The zero reading when measuring the spring's stubborn coefficient without han

2、测量葡萄糖溶液旋光度时,零点校正是指: When measuring the optical rotation of glucose solution, zero correction refers toA.旋光计测量室放入蒸馏水试管,找出弱照度的均匀视场(零度视场),记下此时刻度盘的左右读数平均值,即零点校正值 Put tube contained distilled water into the polarimeter measuring chamber, find out the uniform field of view (zero degree field of view) with weak illumination, and record the average reading values from the left and right dial at this time, that is, the zero correction value#B.旋光计测量室不放任何试管,找出弱照度的均匀暗视场,记下此时刻度盘的左右读数平均值,即零点校正值。 Without any test tube in the polarimeter measuring chambe

1、关于零点读数,以下说法正确的是: For zero readings, what is the correct statement of the following options?A.零点读数的位置是固定的 The position of the zero reading is fixed#B.在每次测量的过程中,零点读数的位置可以移动 During each measurement, the position of the zero reading can be moved#C.零点读数的位置可以根据测量情况调整,其位置可以改变 The position of zero point reading can be adjusted according to the measurement situation, and its position can be changed#D.不挂金属框测量弹簧的倔强系数时的零点读数,与挂上金属框测量表面张力时的零点读数是一样的。 The zero reading when measuring the spring's stubborn coefficient without han

内径百分表测量时,要特别注意偏差数值的正、负符号,当表针按顺时针方向未达到零点,此时相对于零位的偏差是 值。A.正B.负C.可能正,也可能负D.不好判断