The captain, the chief officer, the chief engineer and the second engineer belong to the management level.A.船长、大副、轮机长、二管轮属于管理级。B.船长、大副、轮机长、大管轮属于管理级。C.船长、大副、大管轮、二管轮属于管理级。D.船长、二副、轮机长、大管轮属于管理级。
The captain, the chief officer, the chief engineer and the second engineer belong to the management level.
Robots are programmed and______(engineer)to perform. industrial tasks without human intervention.
This room is ______. Athe editor’s-in-chief’s officeBthe editor-in-chief’s officeCthe editor-in-chief officeDthe editor’s-in-chief office
When deciding the composition of the engineering watch, which may include____ appropriately, many factors shall be taken into account.A.satisfied engineersB.qualified ratingsC.satisfied chief engineerD.qualified chief' engineer
To keep up with the infrastructure ______ the profession also needs to learn how to run large projects more effectively and efficiently in order to make the entire design-engineer-operate lifecycle digital.A.boostB.boomC.constructionD.prosperity