Commonalties of nonrecognition transactions include that.I. deferring a loss is mandatory on like-kind exchanges.II. deferring a loss is mandatory on involuntary conversions?() A.Only statement I is correctB.Only statement II is correctC.Both statements are correctD.Neither statement is correct

Commonalties of nonrecognition transactions include that.I. deferring a loss is mandatory on like-kind exchanges.II. deferring a loss is mandatory on involuntary conversions?()

A.Only statement I is correct

B.Only statement II is correct

C.Both statements are correct

D.Neither statement is correct


113 Using the possible profit and loss outcomes shown in the Special window, find the expected profit (loss)A. ($1000)B. $1000C. $2000D. $1200E. None of the above


(ii) Using the previous overhead allocation basis (as per note 4), calculate the budgeted profit/(loss)attributable to each type of service for the year ending 31 December 2006 and comment on the resultsobtained using the previous and revised methods of overhead allocation. (5 marks)


A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service has the following contract:[ServiceContract]public class ContosoService{ [OperationContract] [TransactionFlow(TransactionFlowOption.Mandatory)] [OperationBehavior(TransactionScopeRequired=true, TransactionAutoComplete=false)] void TxOp1(string value) {... };[OperationContract(IsTerminating=true)] [TransactionFlow(TransactionFlowOption.Mandatory)] [OperationBehavior(TransactionScopeRequired=true, TransactionAutoComplete=false)] void TxOp2(string value) { ... OperationContext.Current.SetTransactionComplete();}}The service and the clients that call the service use NetTcpBinding with transaction flow enabled. You need to configure the service so that when TxOp1 and TxOp2 are invoked under the same client session, they run under the same transaction context. What should you do?()A.B.C.D.


The client may win in court, but at the_______of destroying the business relationship, he says. A. moneyB. payC. expenseD. loss

What are two characteristics of OER? () A. It can take on HSRP, VRRP, and GLBP as clients.B. It provides automatic inbound route optimization.C. Path selection may be based on delay, loss, or jitter.D. The border router makes decisions about which outbound path to use.E. Automatic load distribution is provided for multiple connections.

WhataretwocharacteristicsofOER?() A.ItcantakeonHSRP,VRRP,andGLBPasclients.B.Itprovidesautomaticinboundrouteoptimization.C.Pathselectionmaybebasedondelay,loss,orjitter.D.Theborderroutermakesdecisionsaboutwhichoutboundpathtouse.E.Automaticloaddistributionisprovidedformultipleconnections.

UE根据以下哪个公式来进行估算PRACH的初始发射功率:() A.Preamble_Initial_Power=UL_Path_Loss+UL_interference+ConstantValueB.Preamble_Initial_Power=DL_Path_Loss+UL_interference+ConstantValueC.Preamble_Initial_Power=UL_Path_Loss+UL_interference+DefaultConstantValueD.Preamble_Initial_Power=DL_Path_Loss+UL_interference+DefaultConstantValue