Which three statements are true when the listener handles connection requests to an Oracle 12cdatabase instance with multithreaded architecture enabled In UNIX?() A. Thread creation must be routed through a dispatcher processB. The local listener may spawn a now process and have that new process create a threadC. Each Oracle process runs an SCMN thread.D. Each multithreaded Oracle process has an SCMN thread.E. The local listener may pass the request to an existing process which in turn will create a thread.

Which three statements are true when the listener handles connection requests to an Oracle 12cdatabase instance with multithreaded architecture enabled In UNIX?()

A. Thread creation must be routed through a dispatcher process

B. The local listener may spawn a now process and have that new process create a thread

C. Each Oracle process runs an SCMN thread.

D. Each multithreaded Oracle process has an SCMN thread.

E. The local listener may pass the request to an existing process which in turn will create a thread.


It has been over a century _______ the railway was completed. (A)when(B) once(C) which(D) since


[A] which [B] that [C] what [D] when

YouhaveaWindowsPowerShellscriptthatcontainsthefollowingcode:import-csvAccounts.csv|Foreach{New-ADUser-Name$_.Name-Enabled$true-AccountPassword$_.password}Whenyourunthescript,youreceiveanerrormessageindicatingthattheformatofthepasswordisincorrect.Thescriptfails.Youneedtorunascriptthatsuccessfullycreatestheuseraccountsbyusingthepasswordcontainedinaccounts.csv.Whichscriptshouldyourun()A.import-csvAccounts.csv Foreach{New-ADUser-Name$_.Name-Enabled$true-AccountPassword(ConvertHost-B.import-csvAccounts.csv Foreach{New-ADUser-Name$_.Name-Enabled$true-AccountPassword(ConvertTo-C.import-csvAccounts.csv Foreach{New-ADUser-Name$_.Name-Enabled$true-AccountPassword(Read-ToD.import-csvAccounts.csv Foreach{New-ADUser-Name$_.Name-Enabled$true-AccountPassword(Read-Host

如下面这段监听配置中,sid_name的值来自于哪个参数? SID_LIST_LISTENER = (SID_DESC =(GLOBAL_DBNAME = orcl ) (ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/ 10. 2.0/db_1) (SID_NAME = orcl ) )() A. INSTANCE_NAMEB. DB_NAMEC. DB_UNIQUE_NAMED. SERVICE_NAMESE. GLOBAL_NAMES

以下参数中,向在默认端口1521上监听的listener上动态注册的服务名是? instance_name=ORCL db_name=oracle db_domain=com service_names=PROD local_listener=’’() A. Oracle.comB. ORCL.comC. PRODD. PROE. 不会注册服务名,因为local_listener参数没有设置



[A] who [B] when [C] where [D] which

The beautiful mountain village__________ we spent our holiday last year is locatedin __________ is now part of Guangxi.A.which ; whereB.where; whatC.that ; whatD.when ; which