Name the three fundamental fact grains and describe an ETL approach for each.简述三种基本事实表,并说明ETL的过程中如何处理它们。
Name the three fundamental fact grains and describe an ETL approach for each.
下列长文件名中___ 不符合Windows 的文件名命名法则。( )A.Computer.test.fondamental.txtB.Computer :test :fundamental。txtC.Computer &test&fundamental.txtD.Computer=text=fundamental.tXt
Explain the different real-time approaches and how they can be applied in different business scenarios.简述几种不同的实时ETL实现方法以及它们的适用范围。
Outline some challenges faced by real-time ETL and describe how to overcome them.简述实时ETL的一些难点及其解决办法。