Your network contains a server that runs Windows Server 2008 R2. You need to schedule backups of the server. The solution must ensure that multiple versions of the backup are available.Which two possible backup locations should you use?()A. external hard diskB. internal hard diskC. optical mediaD. remote shared folder

Your network contains a server that runs Windows Server 2008 R2. You need to schedule backups of the server. The solution must ensure that multiple versions of the backup are available.Which two possible backup locations should you use?()

A. external hard disk

B. internal hard disk

C. optical media

D. remote shared folder


下列关于Windows2003Server的叙述不正确的是( )A.Windows2003Server是开放系统的先驱和代表B.Windows2003Server是微软公司开发的C.Windows2003Server操作比较简单D.Windows2003Server具有友好的界面

关于Windows Server。的描述中,正确的是A.WindOWs NT Server不支持互联网B.WindOWS 2000 Server提供活动目录服务C.WindOWS 2003 Server的实质改进是放弃.NET架构D.WindOWS 2008 Serrer采用基于模拟器的虚拟化技术

从Windows 2003 Server升级到Windows 2008 Server,补丁不用跟随升级,否则系统会降低兼容性。 A.错误B.正确

以下产品那些可以升级到Windows 2000 Server() A.WindowsNT4.0WorkstationB.WindowsNT4.0ServerC.Windows98D.WindowsNT3.51Server




(26)关于 Windows Server的描述中,正确的是A)Windows NT Server不支持互联网B)Windows 2000 Server提供活动目录服务C)Windows 2(103 Server的实质改进是放弃.NET 架构D)Windows 2008 Server采用基于模拟器的虚拟化技术

Windows 2008 server默认的DHCP租约是()A.4天B.6天C.8天D.12天

【单选题】SQL Server 2008企业版不支持Windows操作系统版本是()。A.Windows 2000 ServerB.Windows 2003 Datacenter EditionC.Windows XPD.Windows 2003 Server