It was four days ago____ the man was put into prison again.A. thatB. sinceC. afterD. before

It was four days ago____ the man was put into prison again.

A. that

B. since

C. after

D. before


You can stay here tonight.We can ( )you ______in the spare room.

Mrs.Browers told her children to ( )their toys __________and go to bed. A.put...awayB.put...upC.put...downD.put...on

Close your books and( )them__________. A.put...offB.put...onC.put ...downD.put...away

You needn't go back to London tonight.We can( )you______for the night. A.put...awayB.put ...upC.put...offD.put...down

Poor woman! Her husband is in ( ) prison.She is going to ( ) prison now to visit him. A、the/ theB、a / theC、…/ …D、.../ the

The baby is sleeping. () it (). A、leave…aloneB、call…upC、put…asideD、put…away

Youhaveissuedthefollowingcommand:RMANCONFIGURERETENTIONPOLICYTORECOVERYWINDOWOF100DAYS;Whatwillbetheresultofusingtheabovecommand?() A.Thebackupmetadatawillbemaintainedinthecontrolfilefor100days.B.Thebackupmetadatawillbemaintainedintherecoverycatalogfor100days.C.Thebackupmetadatawillbemaintainedintheflashrecoveryareafor100days.D.After100days,thebackupsetsandimagecopieswillbedeletedfromthemedia.

Intheparameterfileofyourproductiondatabase,theCONTROL_FILE_RECORD_KEEP_TIMEparameterissetto31.WhatwouldbetheimpactofthissettingonthebackupthatisbeingperformedbyusingRecoveryManager(RMAN)?() A.Thebackupwouldberetainedonthemediafor31days.B.Thebackupwouldbemaintainedintherecoverycatalogfor31days.C.Thebackupmetadatawouldberetainedinthecontrolfilefor31days.D.Thebackupmetadatawouldbemaintainedintherecoverycatalogfor31days.E.Automaticbackupsofthecontrolfilewillberetainedintheflashrecoveryareafor31days.

AfterrunningtheCONFIGURERETENTIONPOLICYTORECOVERYWINDOWOF7DAYScommand,whathasbeenaccomplished?() A.Retainthedatafilebackupfor7days.B.Runtherecoverprocessevery7days.C.Destroythephysicalbackupfilesevery7days.D.Destroythephysicalbackupfilesolderthan7days.E.Retainonebackupofeachdatafileforatleast7days.F.Keepthecataloginformationinthecontrolfilefor7days.

下列给字符串二维数组进行赋值的语句中,错误的是()。A.String s[ ] [ ] = new String [ ] [ ] { { “One “ , “ Two “ }, { “ Three “ , “ Four “ } } ;B.String s[ ] [ ] = { { “ One “ , “Two “},{ “ Three “ , “ Four “ } } ;C.String s[ ] [ ] = new String [ ] [ ] { { “Zero”} , { “ One ” , “Two” , “ Three” , “ Four” } } ;D.String s[ 2] [2 ] = { { “ One ” , “Two”},{“ Three” , “ Four” } } ;