A) photoB) portraitC) profileD) sketch

A) photo

B) portrait

C) profile

D) sketch


A __of the long report by the budget committee was submitted to the mayor for approval. A.shorhandB.schemeC.scheduleD.sketch

Which of the following is NOT an element in a business card?A: Giver’s nameB: Company affiliationC: Contact informationD: Photo



下列()的html语句的写法符合XHTML规范。A.<br>B.<img src="photo.jpg"/>C.<IMG src="photo.jpg"></IMG>D.<img src= photo.jpg></img>

1、如果要绘制一张A3大小的风景画,需要预设的大小是()。A.A3 Landscape(300dpi)B.A3 Portrait (300dpi)C.A4 Landscape(300dpi)D.A4 Portrait (300dpi)

18、原型制作只能用Axure RP和Sketch两种软件。

7、下列()的html语句的写法符合XHTML规范。A.<br>B.<img src="photo.jpg"/>C.<IMG src="photo.jpg"></IMG>D.<img src= photo.jpg></img>

【单选题】利用cp命令复制系统文件/etc/profile到当前目录下。A.#cp /etc/profile /B.#cp /etc/profile ./C.#cp / /etc/profileD.#cp ./ /etc/profile