
She was complaining that the doctor was ________ too much for the treatment he was giving her.

A) expending B) offering

C) costing D) charging




Don’t() with her. She’s got a violent temper. 别干预她,她脾气很暴躁。 A、interruptB、troubleC、messD、deal

The reason I plan to go is __________ she’ll be disappointed if I don’t.

Nobody in the class except you and me _____ to the principal about the air quality A.has complainedB.have complainedC.complainD.complaining

根据下列材料请回答 56~60 题:Sound pull can feel eatDoctor:What’S wrong with you?Emma:Oh,I have a toothache now.Doctor:How long have you56 like this?Emma:For three days.And I57 not sleep last night.Doctor:Open your mouth and let me look them over.Oh,one of your teeth is bad.It must be 58 0ut.Emma:It59 terrible.You’d better give me other advice.Perhaps it will be OK tomorrow.Doctor:I don’t think so.Emma:All fight.What should I do?Doctor:You won’t60 anything hard in many days after the operation(手术).Emma:OK.Thank you very much.Doctor.Not at all.第 56 题 请在(56)处填上最佳答案。

She_____ answer my phone call yesterday.A. doesn'tB. didn'tC. wasn't

The little girl _____ sing before so many people, _____ she?A. doesn’t dare to; dareB. dares not; dareC. daren’t; doesD. daren’t; dare

_________ she practice her violin yesterday? No, she _________.A、Was, wasn’tB、Did, didn’tC、Was, didn’tD、Did, wasn’t

29. — What should I do,doctor?—_________ healthy,you should take more exercise.A. KeepB. KeepingC.To keepD. Having kept

--What did you think of her speech?--She__________for one hour but didn′t__________much.A.spoke;speakB.spoke;sayC.said;speakD.said;say

Sarah had her washing machine repaired the day before yesterday,__________she?A.hadB.didC.didn'tD.hadn't