A) at thatB) at thisC) to rebootD) added

A) at that

B) at this

C) to reboot

D) added




Which action occurs when the BGP route is evaluated by the policy expression?() A. The route is not announced.B. The route is announced with community 90:1 added.C. The route is announced with community 100:1 added.C.The route is announced with community 100:1 added.D. The route is announced with communities 90:1 and 100:1 added.D.The route is announced with communities 90:1 and 100:1 added.

What are three correct steps to reset a lost root password?() A.Press the TAB key when prompted.B.Enter boot -p.C.Enter recovery when prompted.D.Commit the change.E.Reboot.

对GB板进行REBOOT操作时,要间隔()时间,才能进行第二次REBOOT操作,否则将会导致系统RELOAD. A.16MIN;B.17MIN;C.18MIN;D.19MIN;

对GB板进行REBOOT操作时,要间隔C时间,才能进行第二次REBOOT操作,否则将会导致系统RELOAD(). A.16MIN;B.17MIN;C.18MIN;D.19MIN;

以下哪个是重启AC6605的命令()?A. reload B. reboot用户视图下 C.[Quidway]reload D.[Quidway] reboot

5、CentOS中,在当天晚上11点重启系统,请选出正确的命令。A.shutdown -c 23B.shutdown -r 23:00C.reboot 23:00D.reboot 23

CentOS中,在当天晚上11点重启系统,请选出正确的命令。A.shutdown -c 23B.shutdown -r 23:00C.reboot 23:00D.reboot 23