WhatistheprimarypurposeoftheTechnicalandDeliveryAssessment(TDA)?() A.Identify,assess,andmitigatetechnicalrisks.B.Verifypricingandgathercomponentsforspecialbidsubmission.C.Verifytheproposedsolutionwillfitwithinthecustomer‘sbudget.D.Reviewcompetitiveofferings,systemperformanceanddeliveryschedules.
AnIBMtechnicianspecialisthasaprospectivecustomerwhoisexcitedabouteX5andisworkingonconfigurationforaverylargecomplexopportunity.Duringtheengagementthecustomerhaschangedthedesignseveraltimesandhassignificantlyincreasedthescope.ThecustomersrecentlyselectedaBusinessPartnerwhohasbeeninvolvedinthelastfewdesignchanges.WhatstepsshouldtheIBMtechnicianspecialisttaketomakesurethecustomerissatisfiedwiththesolution?()A.TurnovercurrentdesigntoTechlinetocreateconfigurationsB.PerformknowledgetransferofdesignrequirementstoBusinesspartnerthendisengageC.WorkwithBusinessPartnertoengageTechlinetoassistwithconfigurationandrequest technicalandDeliveryAssessment(TDA)D.WorkwithbusinesspartnertoengageTechlinetocreateconfigurations
When is it necessary for a TDA to be conducted on an installed IBM DS8800? () A. when installing SSD drivesB. when adding a new workloadC. when installing SATA drivesD. when adding more Linux hosts
Whenperforminganexpertlevelpre-installTechnical&DeliveryAssessment(TDA),whichteammember hastheresponsibilityforassigning,trackingandupdatingthecompletionofactionitemsduringtheTDA process?() A.TheDeliveryLeaderB.TheOpportunityOwnerC.TheSolutionDesignerD.TheSubjectMatterExpert
WhatisthecorrectstageinthesalesprocessforaPre-SalesTechnical&DeliveryAssessment(TDA)?() A.BeforethefirstsolutiondesignmeetingwiththecustomerB.AfterthesolutiondesignproposalissubmittedtomanufacturingforreviewC.OncethecustomerhassuppliedthesolutiondesignspecificationstothesalesteamD.Afterthesolutiondesigniscompletedandbeforetheproposalissubmittedtothecustomer
When designing an expansion within the same data center, when is a pre-sales TDA absolutely required by IBM?()A、for a SAN768B DirectorB、for a second TS3500 Tape LibraryC、for a second EXP5060 Expansion UnitD、for an additional DS8300 Expansion Frame
In which phase should a TDA be performed?() A、Server deployment B、Installation and server configuration C、Problem determination/resolution D、Needs analysis and design
A customer has two DS8000 systems in their environment. One DS8000 has FlashCopy licensed while the other does not. The customer wishes to license FlashCopy on the second DS8000. Which of the following describes the TDA requirement in this situation()A、a pre-sale TDA is mandatoryB、a pre-install TDA is mandatoryC、a pre-install TDA is not mandatory since it is not FirstIn Customer Location (FICL)D、both pre-sale and pre-install TDAs are mandatory
After putting together a configuration that meets customer’s requirements, a TDA is suggested. The customer is not familiar with the TDA process and asks why this should be done. This of the following is the benefit of TDA?()A、 A TDA are recommended only for high end hardware and very large or complex business opportunitiesB、 A TDA will ensure the solution and configuration are complete and technically sound and meet customer requirementsC、 A TDA will guarantee that the hardware will work in customer’s environment at the volumes projectedD、 A TDA brings an IBM technician onsite to properly inspect and installed hardware and related software
When performing an expert level pre-install Technical Delivery Assessment (TDA), which team member has the responsibility for assigning, tracking and updating the completion of action items during the TDA process?()A、The Delivery LeaderB、The Opportunity OwnerC、The Solution DesignerD、The Subject Matter Expert
Which document is the final determination of whether or not a TDA is required for a certainproduct?()A、SAPR Guide B、Trigger Criteria C、Sales Manual D、EConfig
A customer has been quoted a DS8800. Which part of the TDA process would ensure that there isenough power in the customer location to operate the system?()A、 Pre-sale B、 Post-sale C、 Pre-install D、 Post-install
An opportunity has been successfully won by a Business Partner in collaboration with IBM. Whohas responsibility for conducting the TDA process?()A、the customer alone B、the Business Partner C、IBM and the customer D、the Business Partner and IBM jointly
In which phase should a TDA be performed of the following?()A、Server deploymentB、Installation and server configurationC、Problem determination / resolutionD、Needs analysis and design
单选题An opportunity has been successfully won by a Business Partner in collaboration with IBM. Whohas responsibility for conducting the TDA process?()Athe customer alone Bthe Business Partner CIBM and the customer Dthe Business Partner and IBM jointly
单选题When performing an expert level pre-install Technical Delivery Assessment (TDA), which team member has the responsibility for assigning, tracking and updating the completion of action items during the TDA process?()AThe Delivery LeaderBThe Opportunity OwnerCThe Solution DesignerDThe Subject Matter Expert
单选题When is it necessary for a TDA to be conducted on an installed IBM DS8800? ()Awhen installing SSD drivesBwhen adding a new workloadCwhen installing SATA drivesDwhen adding more Linux hosts
单选题下列关于P/E和EV/EBITDA的说法,错误的是( )。A在EV/EB/TDA方法中,要最终得到对股票市值的估计,还必须减去债权的价值BP/E和EV/EB/TDA反映的都是市场价值和收益指标之间的比例关系CP/E是从全体投资人的角度出发,而EV/EB/TDA是从股东的角度出发DEV/EB/TDA更适用于单一业务或子公司较少的公司估值