On either side of York River Entrance Channel, there are areas bounded by short-long magenta lines and marked by yellow buoys. These areas are ______.A.fish trap areasB.designated anchoragesC.spoil areasD.naval exercise areas

On either side of York River Entrance Channel, there are areas bounded by short-long magenta lines and marked by yellow buoys. These areas are ______.

A.fish trap areas

B.designated anchorages

C.spoil areas

D.naval exercise areas


The children enjoyed______ (they) in the.river

关于无缓冲和有冲突的channel,下面说法正确的是() A. 无缓冲的channel是默认的缓冲为1的channelB. 无缓冲的channel和有缓冲的channel都是同步的C. 无缓冲的channel和有缓冲的channel都是非同步的D. 无缓冲的channel是同步的,而有缓冲的channel是非同步的

It’s dangerous to swim in a ________ river.A、roughB、roughingC、calmD、roughed

下列关于SMART原则的含义,正确的是()。A. S-SpecificB. M-MeasurableC. A-ActionableD. T-Time-bounded

5类双绞线制作的交叉网线,下面哪一个图形描述的管脚对应关系正确()。A.交叉网线示例SIDE1SIDE 21234567812345678B.交叉网线示例SIDE1SIDE 21234567812345678C.交叉网线示例SIDE1SIDE 21234567812345678

Which channel is designated for VHF Digital Selective Calling?A.Channel 70B.Channel 06C.Channel 13D.Channel 16

When implementing OSPFv3, which statement describes the configuration of OSPF areas?() A. In interface configuration mode, the OSPFv3 area ID combination assigns interfaces to OSPFv3 areas.B. In router configuration mode, the network wildcard area ID combination assigns networks to OSPFv3 areas.C. In interface configuration mode, the IPv6 OSPF process area ID combination assigns interfaces to OSPFv3 areas.D. In router configuration mode, the IPv6 OSPF interface area ID combination assigns interfaces to OSPFv3 areas.

WhatinterfaceiscreatedwhenanFCPortChanneliscreatedonaCiscoUnifiedComputingSystem?() A.Aninterface’san-port-channel’inNXOSB.Aninterface’port-channel’inNXOSC.Aninterface’port-channel’with’modefc’configuredD.Aninterface’fc-port-channel’inNXOS

WhichportchannelcommandisrecommendedforN1KVonCiscoUCS?() A.channel-groupautomodeonB.channel-groupautomodeactiveC.channel-groupautomodeonsub-groupcdpD.channel-groupautomodeonsub-groupmanualE.channel-groupautomodeonmac-pinning

使用数组来实现抛骰子6000 次,统计每个面次数 示例输出 side1 776 side2 999 side3 1211 side4 923 side5 1101 side6 990