Put in the Coffee and ( )it, you will make the drink.A.twistB.stirC.rollD.hake

Put in the Coffee and ( )it, you will make the drink.






What() you() he’ s the murderer? A. make, thinkB. makes, thinkC. makes, to thinkD. make, thinking

You can stay here tonight.We can ( )you ______in the spare room. A.put...upB.put...awayC.put...downD.put...off

Mrs.Browers told her children to ( )their toys __________and go to bed. A.put...awayB.put...upC.put...downD.put...on

Close your books and( )them__________. A.put...offB.put...onC.put ...downD.put...away

You needn't go back to London tonight.We can( )you______for the night. A.put...awayB.put ...upC.put...offD.put...down

The baby is sleeping. () it (). A、leave…aloneB、call…upC、put…asideD、put…away

Did you sleep well last night? Maybe many people will answer No.In fact, in the world about one in three people do not have good sleep.(1) you say you do not have good sleep, it means waking early and not getting back to sleep, of ten interrupted short period of sleep, or hours or wakefulness.You (2) get tired, worried, and anxious.Your menory and ability to remember things will be affectedThen what should you do when you have the trouble? Do not worry about it too much.First, let' s see whether you can sleep yourself.The ways are as follows:First,(3)that your bedroom isn' t too cold or too hot Keep it dark aha quiet.Second, check your lifestyle.:Do not drink tea, coffee, cola or chocolate four hours before going to bed.Drink less liquid so that you can have no or fewer visits to the toiletSet your body clock well by getting up and going to bed he fixed time every day.You (4) take any day time naps.Develop a relaxing bedt ime habit.Read or listen to music.then take a warm bath.If you really can not sleep, try some bread, rice or mil.They will help you fall asleep.Go for a daily walk.Natural light helps you to put your body clock into correct habits,(5) do exercise outdoors if you can.Forget the worries of the day.Write down any worries,thoughts or uestions before you go to bed.With these written down, you will have less to think about and your sleep will become easier.(完型填空)A.Make sureB.MayC.IfD.Had betterE.So

共用题干第一篇Graphene' s SuperstrengthBig technology comes in tiny packages.New ccii phones and personal computers get snialler every year, which means these electronics require even smaller components on the inside.Engineer; are looking for creative ways to build these components,and they'ye turned their eyes to graphene,a superthin material, made of carbon,that could change the future of electronics.This year's Nobel Prize for Physics has been awarded to Andre Geim and Kostya Novoselov from the University of Manchester,U.K.for the discovery of graphene.Graphdne isn't just small;it's "the thinnest possible material in this world"says Novosclov.iJe calls it a “wonder material".It’s so thin that you would need to stack about 25,000 sheets just to make a pile as thick as a piece of' ordinary white paper. If you were to hold a sheet of graphene in your fingers,you'ci have no idea because you wouldn't be able to see it.Carbon is one of the most abundant elements in the universe.Every known kind of life contains carbon. Graphene is a sheet of earboti,but only one atom thick.You don't have to look far to find graphene一it's all around you.If you want this high-tech wonder stuff,all you need is a pencil,paper and a little adhesive tape.Use the pencil to shade a small area on the paper,and then apply a small piece of adhesive tape over the area. When you pull up the tape,you'll see that it pulls up a thin layer of some of the shading from your pencil. That layer is called graphite,one of the softest mninerals in the world.Now stick the same piece of tape on another sheet of paper and pull the tape up一there should be an even thinner layer,this time left on the paper. Now imagine that you do this over and over,until you get the thinnest possible layer of material on the paper. This layer would he only one atom thick,and you wouldn't be able to see it. Graphite is made of layers of graphene.So when you get to the thinnest possible layer, you've found graphene.The word "apply" in Paragraph 4 could be replaced by________.A:pushB:findC:collectD:put

I prefer tea()coffee.AtoBfromCbyDwith
