An administrator is installing AIX 6.1 on a new LPAR and the boot sequence has stalled with reference code 0c31.What is the most likely cause?() A.The system is waiting for user input to define console type lft0.B.The system is waiting for user input to define console type tty0.C.The system is waiting for user input to define console type vty0.D.The system is waiting for user input to define console type vsa0.
An administrator is installing AIX 6.1 on a new LPAR and the boot sequence has stalled with reference code 0c31.What is the most likely cause?()
A.The system is waiting for user input to define console type lft0.
B.The system is waiting for user input to define console type tty0.
C.The system is waiting for user input to define console type vty0.
D.The system is waiting for user input to define console type vsa0.
The more seriously this is sought,______(likely)positive attitudes towards leisure as well as academic work will be encouraged.
What facilitates the installation of the base fileset for the Data Encryption Standard (DES) Library Routines?() A.Fix CentralB.AIX 6.1 discC.IBM AIX ToolboxD.AIX Expansion Pack
InadditiontoaPOWER5systemandanHMC,whatelseisrequiredtoenableMicro-PartitionsinanAIXenvironment?() A.AIX5.3andDynamicLogicalPartitioningB.AIX5.2andDynamicLogicalPartitioningC.AIX5.2andAdvancedPOWERVirtualizationfeatureD.AIX5.3andAdvancedPOWERVirtualizationfeature
WhatoperatingsystemisrequiredtosupportActiveMemoryExpansion?() A.AIX6.1B.AIX5.3C.RedHat10D.SUSELINUX11
AsystemadministratorhasbeeninstructedtoattachstorageintheirclientLPARs,inaPower770,withfibre channeladaptersusingN_portIDvirtualization(NPIV).Whichofthefollowingpartitionshastheminimum requirementstoutilizevirtualfibrechannel?()A.LPAR-Awith1GbFCHBAandSANconnectionB.LPAR-Bwith2GbFCHBAandSANconnectionC.LPAR-Cwith4GbFCHBAandSANconnectionD.LPAR-Dwith8GbFCHBAandSANconnection
2、如何为结构体类型定义一个新的名称? struct type_name{ code_block; };A.typedef struct type_name new_name{ code_block; };B.typedef struct type_name{ code_block; }new_type_name;C.typedef struct new_name type_name{ code_block; };D.struct type_name{ code_block; }typedef new_name;