Which command will configure a directory /commonfiles so that a user cannot delete files owned by other users in the same group?() A.chmod +S /commonfilesB.chmod 4775 /commonfilesC.chmod 1777 /commonfilesD.chmod -orgx /commonfiles
Which command will configure a directory /commonfiles so that a user cannot delete files owned by other users in the same group?()
A.chmod +S /commonfiles
B.chmod 4775 /commonfiles
C.chmod 1777 /commonfiles
D.chmod -orgx /commonfiles
对owner、group、other解释正确的选项是:() A.owner:超级用户group:群组用户other:其他用户。B.owner:文件的属主(拥有者)group:用户组内成员other:其他用户。C.owner:文件的属主(拥有者)group:群组用户other:其他用户。D.owner:超级用户group:用户组内成员other:其他用户(非owner和非group)。
GiventhatfileisareferencetoaFileobjectthatrepresentsadirectory,whichcodefragmentswillsucceedinobtainingalistoftheentriesinthedirectory?() A.Vectorfilelist=((Directory)file).getList();B.String[]filelist=file.directory();C.Enumerationfilelist=file.contents();D.String[]filelist=file.list();E.Vectorfilelist=(newDirectory(file)).files();
If both nodes in a chassis cluster initialize at different times, which configuration example will allow you to ensure that the node with the higher priority will become primary for your RGs other than RG0?()A. [edit chassis cluster] user@host# show redundancy-group 1 { node 0 priority 200; node 1 priority 150;preempt; }B. [edit chassis cluster] user@host# show redundancy-group 1 { node 0 priority 200; node 1 priority 150; monitoring; }C. [edit chassis cluster] user@host# show redundancy-group 1 { node 0 priority 200; node 1 priority 150; control-link-recovery; }D. [edit chassis cluster] user@host# show redundancy-group 1 { node 0 priority 200; node 1 priority 150; strict-priority; }
以下关于delete方法说法错误的是?A.$User->where('1')->delete();//删除表中所有数据B.$User->where('id=5')->delete(); // 删除id为5的用户数据C.$User->delete('1,2,5'); // 删除第1,2,5行的用户数据D.$User->where('status=0')->delete(); // 删除所有状态为0的用户数据
下列哪个选项符合Restful的API 设计?A.GET /deleteUser?id=123B.POST /users/123/deleteC.DELETE /deleteUser/123D.DELETE /users/123