Which of the following privileges permits a user to update the comment on a sequence?() A.CONTROLB.UPDATEC.USAGED.ALTER
Which of the following privileges permits a user to update the comment on a sequence?()
设在SQL Server 2000的某数据库中有用户user,该用户现没有任何权限。若希望授予该用户在该数据库中对全部用户表的数据具有INSERT、DELETE和UPDATE权限。对数据库工程师来说,下列做法实施起来最快捷且合理的是A.将user添加到该数据库的db_owner角色中B.将user添加到dbcreator角色中C.将user添加到该数据库的db.datawriter角色中D.将该数据库中每张表的INSERT、DELETE和UPDATE权限授予user
“把查询SC表和更新SC表的9rade列的权限授予用户user”的正确SQL语句是( )。A)GRANT.SELECT sc, UPDATE sc.grade TO userB)GRANT SELECT, UPDATE (grade) ON TABLE sc TO userC)GRANT SELECT, UPDATE ON TABLE sc.grade TO userD)GRANT SELECT ON TABLE sc, UPDATE ON TABLE sc(grade) TO user
You’re going to have a quiz ( )by another two in the ( )month. A. followed,followedB. followed,followingC. following,followedD. following,following
Giventutorial.jsp:2.ELTutorial3.Example14.5.Dear${my:nickname(user)}6.Which,whenaddedtothewebapplicationdeploymentdescriptor,ensuresthatline5isincludedverbatimintheJSPoutput?() A.B.C.D.
在SQL Server 2000中,某数据库中有角色Role和用户User,User是Role角色的成员,且只属于该角色。先对Table表给Role只授予SELECT和DELETE权限,并授予User对T表具有SELECT、UPDATE和DENY DELETE权限,则用户User对Table表可以执行的操作是______。
“把查询sc表和更新sc表的grade列的权限授予用户user”的正确SQL语句是( )。A)GRANT SELECT sc,UP DATE sc.Grade TO userB)GRANT SELECT,UP DATE (grade) ON TABLE sc TO userC)GRANT SELECT,UP DATE ON TABLE sc.Grade TO userD)GRANT SELECT ON TABLE sc,UP DATE ON TABLE sc(grade) TO user
The provisional pratique by radio ______ a vessel to proceed directly to berths or working anchorages and begin normal business activities without the inspection of the Port Health Officer.A.permitB.permittingC.is permittedD.permits
The burden of proving unseaworthiness is upon those who ______ it.A.approvesB.allegesC.allowsD.permits