SDLC was invented by IBM to replace the older Bisynchronous protocol for wide area connections between IBM equipment . A varietion of the (71) protocol called NRM is essentially the same as SDLC. SDLC is (72) protocol like HDLC, Frame. Relay or X.25. An SDLC network is made up of (73) that controls all communications, and (74) . It is capable of (75) operation, but almost all practical applications are strictly half duplex.A.HDLCB.Frame. RelayC.X.25D.X.21

SDLC was invented by IBM to replace the older Bisynchronous protocol for wide area connections between IBM equipment . A varietion of the (71) protocol called NRM is essentially the same as SDLC. SDLC is (72) protocol like HDLC, Frame. Relay or X.25. An SDLC network is made up of (73) that controls all communications, and (74) . It is capable of (75) operation, but almost all practical applications are strictly half duplex.


B.Frame. Relay




The Chinese people first _______ paper about 2 000 years ago. A.discoveredB.foundC.experiencedD.invented

() tend to bemoan the lack of character in the young generation. A.The oldB.OldC.ElderlyD.Older




如下是某个tnsnames.ora里面的配置, 其中service_name的值与 listener.ora文件中哪个参数的值相对应? (description= (load_balance=on) (address=(protocol=tcp)(host=node1-vip)(port=1521) (address=(protocol=tcp)(host=node2-vip)(port=1521) (connect_data= ( SID_NAMEB. INSTANCE_NAMEC. GLOBAL_NAMESD. GLOBAL_DBNAME


●One ofthe main resposibilities ofICMP is to report (71). Although technology has produced increasingly reliable transmission media, errors still exist and must be handled. IP is an (72) protocol. This means that error checking and error control are not a concem ofIP.ICMP was designed, in part, to compensate for this shortcoming. Howerver, ICMP does not _(73) errors, it simply reports them. Error correction is left to the higher-level potocols. Error messages are always sent to the original__(74) because the only information available in the datagram about the route is the source and destination lP addresses. ICMP uses the source IP address to send the error massage to the source ofthe(75) .(71)A, numbersB. functionsC. stringsD. errors(72)A. reliableB. unreliableC. availableD. unavailable(73)A. correctB. conductC. produceD. connect(74)A. userB. destinationC. sourceD. program(75)A. datagramB. frameC. serviceD. protocol

My wife has three brothers, all ( ) than she. ( ) , George, is an officer.A. elder…The eldest B. older…The oldestC. elder…The eld one D. older…The oldest