Which two statements about the Adaptive Services PIC are true? () A. The Adaptive Services PIC supports the Layer 3 service package by default.B. The Adaptive Services PIC is required when using the secure shell to access an M-series router.C. The Adaptive Services PIC can be configured for the Layer 2 and Layer 3 service packages simultaneously.D. The Adaptive Services PIC can be configured for either the Layer 2 or the Layer 3 service package but not both at the same time.

Which two statements about the Adaptive Services PIC are true? ()

A. The Adaptive Services PIC supports the Layer 3 service package by default.

B. The Adaptive Services PIC is required when using the secure shell to access an M-series router.

C. The Adaptive Services PIC can be configured for the Layer 2 and Layer 3 service packages simultaneously.

D. The Adaptive Services PIC can be configured for either the Layer 2 or the Layer 3 service package but not both at the same time.



The professor asked us to write a _____________ report.A、two-hundreds-wordsB、two-hundreds-wordC、two-hundred-wordsD、two-hundred-word

下列复选框构造方法,错误的是 ( )A.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,1));B.add(new Checkbox("one",null,true));C.add(new Checkbox("two"));D.add(new Checkbox("one",true));



About ________ of the workers in the factory were born in the ________.A.two-thirds, 1970 B.two-thirds, 1970s C.two-third,1970 D.two-third, 1970s

12. About_______ of the workers in the factory were born in the __________.A. two- thirds;1970B. two- thirds ; 1970sC. two-third ; 1970D. two-third ; 1970s

Norman Blarney is an artist of deep convictions.A: claimsB:suggestionsC: beliefs D:statements

